Need electric help!

ok so i want to start my first grow in my attic but i came across a problem, theres no electricty up there. what do i do? ive read other people saying they ran extension cords up there and stuff but would that be enought? or do i have to run wire and all that shit? i dont know how to do any of that! please help me

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
what do you plan on installing for grow equipment up there? you must have a plan before you can start moving into action.... also how large of a space will you be working with?
i will be making a grow tent to use up there big enought for about 2 plants. the tent will be about 5 ft tall and about 4ft wide i just need electricty for my lights fans ect


Active Member
we need to know wattage because if you have a 1000w light and 2 fans you cannot run this on 1 extension in the us or other country running 110v but you could in the uk as the uk is 240v


Well-Known Member
The light and balast will draw just over 9 amps, allowing 500 watts for fans and misc. is about another 4 1/2 amps so: 13.5 amps total draw.
i will probably have like 6 60 watt cfl. i cant afford one of those big ass 1000 or 600 watts lights and fictures and all that and i live in the us


Well-Known Member
You can use extension cords. It's not ideal but I do it. I actually run three. They are in the garage running from the back to the front. I don't remember the gauge you want to use but they need to be the thicker ones. When you buy the extension cords they tell you how many amps it can handle. I bought a 15amp and two 20 amp extensions for my grow.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
use one single thick extension cord up there and connect a power strip to it. then run everything from your power strip. multiple outlets with minimal cords!


Active Member
Dude, just run an extention cord from a circut in the house you aren't using, you should have 10-20 amps free, thats more then enough on a little opp like that.


Well-Known Member
With those bulbs you will only be drawing 3 amps for your lights.
Get the shortest cord that will reach with the highest load rating and you will be straight - no worries.
thanks guys i feel a lot better about it now. so now just run a good cord throught the ceiling to the attic with a good power strip, correct? then what am i gonna do about hiding it. my friends always come over and i cant have them asking questions like why do you have a extension cord going up there for. how can i make it stealthy?