Need diagnosis/cure please.


Plant is 14 days into 12/12 at time picture was taken, using fox farms full lineup at ph of 6.3, soil is ffof, ffhf, and perlite. Lighting is 2 600w hps along with 2 90w LEDs. Temps are 76f-80f when lights are on and 62f-66f when off, my humidity is pretty low im sure with 20-25% when lights on and 30% when off. Strain is sannies killing fields, also have four others of the same strain/conditions and this is the only one im having problems with, any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
6.3 is a little too acidic for regular soil. Was that reading just your fertilizer mixes or have you tested the soil Ph yet? Check it asap.


Well-Known Member
r u using the same nute mix for all the plants? might need to give or take on the nutes?

reason being, even if its the same strain some plants take to N-P-K ratios different than others.


Active Member
yeah i heard for soil u need more like 6.8 - so buy some ph up or go diy with ph up

also i too am growing several plants from same strain while most are gr8 i do have 3 that are just runts one in particular -i will post pic :D

runt 9 weeks old !!.jpg

this is 9 weeks old lol i just keep her going just because i have the space and curiosity :D

so i conclude if all other plants fine in same conditions then its just a genetic defect


Active Member
looks like a magnesium defficiency, plants are exhibiting interveinal chlorosis, water with 5grams epsom salt in 5 litres water, then water normally in a couple of days, after a week the plant should have started to respond to the extra mag. i would double check the ph first though, if the defficiency is a lock out due to the ph being too low, then flush with ordinary water first then add epsom salts. it could also be something like zinc def, but this would be rare in soil grows.


Thanks for all the replies fellas, to answer some questions, yep same mix for all the plants. As far as the ph goes Ive heard so may different suggestions for ph levels in soil, fox farm says 6.3-6.8, other posts Ive read say 6.5-7.0 and the dude at local grow store said I was crazy to feed/water at 6.3 and said 5.6 to 6.0 MAX so who knows? I too kinda had it narrowed down to Mg or zinc so I guess Im gonna try the epsom salt. Thanks again.