Need Designated Grower in Victoria BC / Vancouver Island

Hello, I'm looking for a designated grower somewhere on Vancouver Island, preferably Victoria. All paperwork is filled out and signed by doctor. Doctor prescribed me 5g/day. I also have a family member that will be going to be seeing their doctor soon, and getting at least 5g, but hopefully 10g+/day.

I'm looking for experienced growers who are capable of producing high quality, clean medicine. I would need a few different strains, and I would require the medicine to be provided free of cost on a monthly basis.

If anyone has some information for me, please contact me. Thanks.
you want a grower to grow you free nugs?
Yup. It's illegal to compensate them, is it not? Most growers pay to get licences from a middleman, and then have to give free medicine to the patient ontop of that. I just want my medicine.


Well-Known Member
im sorry for my question im in the us and not a medical state. but i am curious what does the grower get? doess the state pay for it or your insurance? im vrry curious
im sorry for my question im in the us and not a medical state. but i am curious what does the grower get? doess the state pay for it or your insurance? im vrry curious
For each Patient a designated grower has, they are allowed to grow 4.9 plants per gram on the prescription I believe. So for my 5 gram/day prescription, they'd be allowed to grow 24 plants legally. It also allows them to possess and transport a certain quantity of dried medicine / extract based on the size of the licence. I don't think the government pays for any insurance or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
that makes alot more sense. thank you for feeding my curiosity. i apologize for the irrelevance of my replies to your post.


Well-Known Member
hmmm k. So just digging some more. If its illegal to sell what good does it do the grower to be able to have 24 extra plants? Unless we are assuming he gives you your 5 grams for free each day and then sells the difference to recoup the cost of his lights/neuts etc? But oh yea, selling it is illegal. So back to why is he growing you free shit if he cant sell whatever you dont use? And if they are actually selling it then its just another blackeye on the medical pot charade.


Well-Known Member
compensation or donations are not illegal. You wont find someone local to do this for free, unless ther running a green house so they can use the sun but consider as indoor plant count. Beware of the fishy messages youl get, people will say they will do it for free but then go stray, only way to get a new DG when things go wrong is for that stray DG to write health canada a resignition letter (like that would happen) hope this helps, stay safe and make sure you do a face to face.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem with the current rules in Canada and why they are going to change them. If someone is growing free meds for you they are not doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They are using your prescription to divert large quantities to the black market. They should never have designated a certain number of plants per license since we all know that 1 plant under a thousand watts can produce the same as 25 plants under the same light. I need nowhere near my legal plant count to produce the amount prescribed. I am all in favor of legalization but until then let's not pretend that the current system does not need changing. Yes they should allow personal production limited to 1 or 2 lights but you should have to pay for an annual safety and compliance inspection. If anyone is looking for a reputable law abiding designated grower at a reasonable cost of $125 an ounce, please PM me. If you want it for free please contact your local gang members.
This is the problem with the current rules in Canada and why they are going to change them. If someone is growing free meds for you they are not doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They are using your prescription to divert large quantities to the black market. They should never have designated a certain number of plants per license since we all know that 1 plant under a thousand watts can produce the same as 25 plants under the same light. I need nowhere near my legal plant count to produce the amount prescribed. I am all in favor of legalization but until then let's not pretend that the current system does not need changing. Yes they should allow personal production limited to 1 or 2 lights but you should have to pay for an annual safety and compliance inspection. If anyone is looking for a reputable law abiding designated grower at a reasonable cost of $125 an ounce, please PM me. If you want it for free please contact your local gang members.
But what if I can get an oz on the black market for $120? The whole point of medicating legally is to get it cheap/free, otherwise there isn't much point.