Need Cooling


Live in south. Had some warm days heat went to 100F a couple of times. Any one out there ever use a Ice Flow 6". Any replies would be gratefull. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Do you mean ice box? If you are thinking water cooling it can be many times more expensive than a good mini split ac, which is exactly what you need for those temps.


Ice Flow is water cooled fan I believe. Go to, On side select chillers and heaters, then click on advancend nut. and grow gear. Item is on first page. Take a look. Thanks


Well-Known Member
not sure what your talking about but if its like a swamp cooler might run in to moister problems


Well-Known Member
try finding the tutorial on how to take apart a water bubbler (the ones in offices with the 5 gal jug on top). im not sure but i think you also buy 2 thermostat / regulator thingys. I also kind of remember him mentioning you take out the reservoir from the bubbles and just leave the coil.


Well-Known Member
A swamp cooler is designed for less humid conditions that is why. Think Arizona, New Mexico area.

A minisplit has an evaporator on the inside that has a fan that sucks room air in through a coil that conditions it and spits it back out, a condensate pump and line to move the water. The evap. is connected to a condenser placed outside with refrigerant lines connecting them. The condenser converts the refrigerant basically making it cold again, this conversion puts off a lot of heat and noise.


Well-Known Member
Actually heat is minimal with the new technologies and noise is almost non -existent. My ac guy was 3' from the outside unit and didnt know it was running.