Need BCNL gear advice from experienced growers!

Hi guys,

I'm a first time grower (almost), and I've been ravaging these forums to get an idea of my first set of gear/strain/nutes, etc.

I've decided to move forward and get a Producer from BC northern lights. Now, of course when I've gotten all my finances in order and am within my budget to invest in this pricey unit, they release a new sensor system option. You can review what it does here:

and to sum it up: It detects PH levels and auto-regulates them, you can program the PPM of your Co2, has a temperature and humidity sensor, and a water temperature sensor, and an auto-watering schedule.

Now, sounds great, right? I mean come on, easy yields! Unfortunately, these upgrades come at a whopping price of $2700. This is in addition to the already approximately $5,000 unit. I know this unit has the potential to pump out 2+lbs ~ every 60 days, so I know no matter what it will be made back once I get the swing of things.

My question is this: Is this level of automation in a more experienced growers view worth the coin? It seems to me that the current level of effort required to manage one of these boxes isn't really digging a ditch or anything... I'm really more interested in if this extremely tight management of plant resources in your view will result in better yields? I would at the end of the day like to offer my plants the most optimal conditions for growth.

Oh and a footnote: My first thought was I'll stick with the basics now, and upgrade later. I asked them about this, and they said the more advanced computer would have to be installed upon ordering, and they couldn't come and install it at a later date. Hurray! :( That all being said, what do you guys think? Sorry for the lengthy post!!



Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm a first time grower (almost), and I've been ravaging these forums to get an idea of my first set of gear/strain/nutes, etc.

I've decided to move forward and get a Producer from BC northern lights. Now, of course when I've gotten all my finances in order and am within my budget to invest in this pricey unit, they release a new sensor system option. You can review what it does here:

and to sum it up: It detects PH levels and auto-regulates them, you can program the PPM of your Co2, has a temperature and humidity sensor, and a water temperature sensor, and an auto-watering schedule.

Now, sounds great, right? I mean come on, easy yields! Unfortunately, these upgrades come at a whopping price of $2700. This is in addition to the already approximately $5,000 unit. I know this unit has the potential to pump out 2+lbs ~ every 60 days, so I know no matter what it will be made back once I get the swing of things.

My question is this: Is this level of automation in a more experienced growers view worth the coin? It seems to me that the current level of effort required to manage one of these boxes isn't really digging a ditch or anything... I'm really more interested in if this extremely tight management of plant resources in your view will result in better yields? I would at the end of the day like to offer my plants the most optimal conditions for growth.

Oh and a footnote: My first thought was I'll stick with the basics now, and upgrade later. I asked them about this, and they said the more advanced computer would have to be installed upon ordering, and they couldn't come and install it at a later date. Hurray! :( That all being said, what do you guys think? Sorry for the lengthy post!!

I love gizmos and gadgets but come on man! Do you really need all this stuff to grow some good herb? If you are just starting out I would recommend getting a good reflector and ballast and a good inline fan. Do a few grows to see if this is something that suits you and then if you still feel like you need all this fancy stuff then go for it. Sounds like they are trying to hard sell you. Don't fall for it man. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to add that machines don't grow weed, people do. This "machine" can't do a better job than you or I. It's definitely not worth it IMO. This contraption can't pick up on plants' subtle signs when they are stressed or deficient. Plus, machines fail all the time. I think this thing would cause you to be even lazier and you'd end up forgetting to check on it and you'd come back to plants that are shrivelled up and dead. I don't think most experienced growers like the idea of letting a robot do it for them but I could be wrong. :joint:
I just wanted to add that machines don't grow weed, people do. This "machine" can't do a better job than you or I. It's definitely not worth it IMO. This contraption can't pick up on plants' subtle signs when they are stressed or deficient. Plus, machines fail all the time. I think this thing would cause you to be even lazier and you'd end up forgetting to check on it and you'd come back to plants that are shrivelled up and dead. I don't think most experienced growers like the idea of letting a robot do it for them but I could be wrong. :joint:
Sorry about the bumps... that's what you get for skimming over the rules :(

Thank you for the response. I actually really want to learn as much as I can about this stuff... I find it fascinating. I don't at all mind putting work in, in fact I think i'll enjoy it... I was just aiming to mitigate mistakes, and I'm not sure I'll get my moneys worth in that regard with this upgrade. You make an excellent point, and I was leaning in the no direction as well... it's so much money too...

Thanks very much!!


Active Member
Hey bud.

In my personal opinion these are great.. I have more than 1. They nearly
do the growing for you.. Whoever has posted on here that they are a waste of money clearly has no clue what they are talking about.. Yes you could do much more or the price if you were to say build a rooom, not all of us have that luxury tho. If you are looking for something easy to use and extremly stealthy that this is what you want. It's an allinone on wheels. Easy to move if need be. The onlything plants actually need to stay alive is 5.5ish ph water and light... Herb does not "NEED" food to survive but it will not do well with out it.. The automatic ph dosed ensures your ph levels never rise to high... The screen inthe front also tells you how much food is in the water, making it very easy for you to monitor. To be honest. I wouldn't stretch yourself to purchase this as the producer with outrhe overload package would work 2 but if the funds are available pick it up you will not regret it. They do hum a very little bit. Nothing to loud that you need to worry about it and they do mask the smell quite well when it's fitte with the carbon filter... All that's needed beyond that can usually be handled with a couple of ONA blocks