need as much information on growing outdoors(uk preferably)

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey all, ive been growing indoors for a bit now, and am hopeing to do my first outdoor grow this year comeing. i have strain sorted, i just need all info u can give me on growing outdoors, i.e ideas for stealth, fertilising, soil mixtures, good spots to look for. all these things and many more, hope you guys can help me, now hit me with ur comments. happy toking.:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::weed:


Active Member
I grow in wetlands and did not have to water last year: play it safe. Google "growing weed outdoors tips" and there will be plenty of info to read. Enjoy!

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx all a little more detail wouldnt go a miss guys, any information though is appreciated. thanx all and yer i do live in uk so any outdoor uk growers hit me up could do wid all the help i can get.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
with the summer we had last year?! we had like 2 weeks sun, i cant see it being worth the hassle?! prove me wrong tho learning!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
true that bring on global warming and el nino for sure! rising tides who cares?! i could stand losing france fuck most of europe to be honest...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i hear that man just seems like every year they say its going to be the hottest on record blah blah 35 C my arse then we get 3 days sunshine together the whole summer thinking oh welll have an indian summer for sure.....

holy shit i just became the sterotyped brit always complaining bout the weather?!!?!?

reet am off to have a word with myself....

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yer i know wat ur saying dude, and yer u beta go teach ur self a lesson b4 its too late lol. everyone keep the information coemeing thanx guys


Well-Known Member
In my opinion. being from the uk myself, I wouldnt recommend an outdoor grow exclusively. Unless you got a good greenhouse and you can black out the glass. Although I have seen some pretty amazing outdoor grows in the UK I just think its a bit of a risk.
Do you live in the country side or a city etc etc????

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
In my opinion. being from the uk myself, I wouldnt recommend an outdoor grow exclusively. Unless you got a good greenhouse and you can black out the glass. Although I have seen some pretty amazing outdoor grows in the UK I just think its a bit of a risk.
Do you live in the country side or a city etc etc????
hey man, yer i do live more along the contryside lines of things,im currently looking for a spot. but any general outdoor growing advice would be helpfull.


Well-Known Member
dont know what more advice you need, i told you big holes, good soil, lots of sunshine, and lots of water. Thats all you need for an outdoor grow. If you need a good spot then i suggest downloading google earth if you dont have it and using that to find a spot, keeping in mind that if you want a nice big healthy plant then it cant be in the woods under trees. It has to have an big open space above it so that it can get sun.


Well-Known Member
I dont really know anything about growing outside. All I know is my Family own 10 acres and leave it unused all year round. In the middle of nowhere too. I'm thinking of attempting an outdoor grow also, just as a trial really. wont expect much. Think I'll plant 10 ruderalis skunk and 10 ruderalis indica in mid april. Before my family owned this land part of it was used for dumping and storing manure also so the soil will be absolutely perfect for growing any sort of plant. Looking foward to it already.