Need as many to give opinion to get to the bottom of whats wrong


Well-Known Member
yeah like 1ml/l to start with would be good I guess. Also give em some molasses, or honey's good too. do you have alga mic? they say it's very good to fix deficiencies with foliar feed.

don't know what to tell you about the pics, it does look mg def, but hard to tell what the cause of it is.


Well-Known Member
it seems as though your treating your plant with too many solutions in too little time and not allowing the problem too correct itself..
i would finish doing what asaph told you and take a step back for a minute and see what mother nature does with your fix...


Active Member
Yeah thanks guys, i done the wood ash's tonight' so that can start doing something, ive done everything now and like you said let mother nature take over, the other plant i got with the high ph' i put some sulphate of ammonia as its says it can be used to lower ph.
Asaph i only put 1ml into a tidy growing plant, so i was thinking about 0.3-0.4 of a ml, that will be ok wont it? is a ppm meter a must for soil growing?
All the feds i got say on the packet 2-4ml into 1 ltr, so i do start off with 0.5 of a ml and sometimes that burns the leaves, and thats 0.5ml into 2ltrs of water.