Need an expert eye


Active Member
I've been flowering for a week now and i personnally think it is male but wanted an expert opinion before i whack him.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
looks like a dude to me but the pic is a little blurry. you should be able to let it go a little while longer to get a better look. it shouldn't drop pollen until it's fairly obvious. try to get a pic up that's more in focus.


Well-Known Member
i dont see balls yet. but the pic is blury. id wait a few days. Unless ur a breeder or jus oldschool i dont see a reason not to have fem seeds. it takes alot of the worry away..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sorry man, those are the beginnings of balls, for certain. The easist way to tell, is the fact that those preflowers have 'stems'. Female preflowers are wider at the base, then come to a point, in a cone-like formation.