Need an electrician's advice


Hi all,

I will be starting a 4000 watt grow in my basement soon, and I am worried I will be drawing too many amps. I had the idea to use 240V cords for the 4 1000's in order to only be using 20 amps total for the lights. I thought perhaps I could have a technician come in and replace two of my 120V circuits with 240V ones, then use the third circuit for my ac, fans, etc. The lights will be on timers of course, so I will need a 240V timer (do they make those?). I might be able to forgo the use of a dryer so I could use that plug also.

I've had two friends who know a lot about electricity try to explain the solution to me, but it's just way over my head; plus, I have to omit details since I can't tell them the real purpose of why I need to to do this ;) Any advice? Thanks very much in advance!


Well-Known Member
I'm in your same boat I think i'm going with the cap mlc-4xt which is a 240v 4 light controller box, in the instructions it says can be directly wired to a dryer out let through the dryer cord.


Active Member
Is your grow area near the main Panel?? For a 4000 watt set-up, plus all the appliances you may run( dehumidifiers, ACs, etc); and iff your main panel has enough space, what i would do is, bring a sub-panel of 100amps, that's if your main service is 200 amps and has the space to allow for a 100 amp breaker. I would then run a dedicated circuit for each ballast (this way you can keep it 120volts) and run dedicated circuits with spares to any big power appliances you may need to use, as far as fans, they could always share in any circuit, since they draw very little power(amps). And yes I am an electrician, lol. This would be a very safe set-up, with very little to zero risk of fire. If your paying an elecrician to do this it can be expensive. You could also run home runs, for each ballast from the main panel, if its not currently overloaded... if the house your in only has a 100 amp service; then your going to need a service upgrade, and thats expensive! If your panel is in the basement, and has enough space for what you need, it shouldn't be a problem.....
I'm in the exact position your in man, I have 4 1000w's ready to run but no power for them.. but some how I just got lucky and looked in the main breaker box for the house and there and 2 double 30amp breakers AND a double 40 amp breaker in there as well. Pretty sure I'm going to run a sub-panel of 80 maybe 100 amps to the rooms dedicated for growing (that way I can have total control of the grow space separate from the house)

I'm familiar with electricity enough to get how it works but I have no idea what to buy. I want to have my buddy, (who set his room up with the same setup), do mine but I want to get an idea how much materials will cost? Any electricians


Well-Known Member
i would totally go with a 20a 240v circuit.. that will work great for your grow.. but if you can tapp into your 30a dryer circuit that would be even better... but then you will only be able to dry durring lights off...