Need Advise + HELP!


Active Member
I currently have a 5 month old girl. she just turned into a gir about a week and a half ago. Shes a little scronny beacuse of lack of light in her earlier stages, but she all good now with everything she needs.

I Currently have two 20 inch 24w flourecents about one inch from her and recently put in a regular 60w light bulb to maybe get btter yeild???????

So my questions are

-Is this regualr 60w light bulb a good idea?

-If so, ont he looking of the picture how much/ around bud witt i get on the lookings and sounds of things? jus a esimaite.

Thank you for your time:joint:


Active Member
so i should replace the regualr flouresents with compact ones? I mean can you guys give me ways to get my yeild up or is it too late?


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you get about four 42 watt 2700K CFLs and surround her. IMO, your yield will not be good no matter what you do at this point.
Yep I agree man, after its dried out maybe a 1/4. The reg. light is junk, basically for looks. At the min. use a cfl, ASAP. bro. good luck.


Well-Known Member
if i go out and buy a 150w hps. how much more bud do you think i will get than if i just leave it how it is now
Why not just get a 250w, or even better, a 400w? The price difference isn't that much and you will be repaid tenfold in terms of increase in yield. The more light, the more's that simple (not really).:weed:

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
because then you will have to deal with the heat issues from a HID light set-up. The CFL's will not give off the same amount of heat, therefore be easier for new growers to deal with. Oh, and the standard 60w light bulb is about as beneficial to the plant as a candle. I wouldn't bother.


Active Member
There is a lot to be said about growing with cfls. I like the challenge of getting awesome
results with cheaper equip. Just like the above mentioned they give off a lot less heat.
you were about to go with incadescents any way. These are cheap too.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
because then you will have to deal with the heat issues from a HID light set-up. The CFL's will not give off the same amount of heat, therefore be easier for new growers to deal with. Oh, and the standard 60w light bulb is about as beneficial to the plant as a candle. I wouldn't bother.

Get an air cooled hood problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Get an air cooled hood problem solved.
Absolutely. Watt for watt consumed HID's are still more efficient than even clf's. Fluoros can give awesome results and are great for seedlings and rooting clones but HID's give off less heat than a comparable wattage CFL. :weed:


Active Member
as all your answers indicate - incandescent is of almost no use to your plant. i do not use hid myself, due to heat issues, as well as light leak. i use ufo leds, and i'm pretty happy with it. cost more than cfl, but something to consider. in the meantime, try to get some more cfl going


Active Member
OK look im im working with a 3ftx2ft closet i dont need all the cfl's for that little space. im sure a 150w HPS (WTF IS A HIP I DONT RECALL EVER TALKING ABOUT THAT) will do the job---- Anyways i have a fan currently going also so i highly doubt it will get to hot.