Need advise about Ventilation and smell removal.

I have 5 small plants growing in a closet using cfl lights and I have a small fan pushing clean air in from the room with the closet door open to get fresh new air, and on the other side of the closet I have a pretty large carbon filter with a 6 in. Fan sucking out the bad air. Im only a week in so my only question is will the carbon filter be enough for the smell all the way through flowering? It's a pretty big filter. This is my first time. Any advise or questions will help! Thanks


Well-Known Member
All depends on the strain(s) you have in there.. if you have a few that are really known to stink up the place (like AK-47) .. good luck with just that carbon filter =)
What else could I do. My only question or Concern is smell now. I have anything else down. So what else is out there to remove smell?


Active Member
if you are properly sending air into the carbon filter you should be okay.

I have one carbon filter and what I do for extra measure is use things like ona gel or ona block (its a small tub you can find on amazon)

invest in some of the plug in scent dispensers you can get at practically any store . Put them in entrances/rooms around your grow area and at your front door


Well-Known Member
This is somthing that will help you out and its free (well kinda). Next time your in a bathroom that smells particularly fresh take a look on the wall. If you find one of these things theyre usually just hanging on a screw or a tack. They come off real easy ;) refills arr like 12 bucks and they last up to two months. They work really good in addition to my carbon filter :):):)


Well-Known Member
The ONA bucket setup I mentioned runs approx 55 USD to get off the ground, but the ONA concentrate vs how long it lasts and how effective it is at odor control seems to make it worthwhile after the initial investment and a few runs :D


Active Member
Yea I vent out a dryer vent over a bed of live basil, compleatly turning my room air all the time. This keeps the dank smell from ever building up and what smell there is ends up blowing warm across the basil bed, all I can smell or anyone else can smell, is fresh basil!!
I also keep a little tray or two of it in my growroom under my t-5s the fan is constantly blowing basil smell around the room. see pics in $425 grow room thread.