need advice


Well-Known Member
Okay ive ordered all my nutes and my growbox is made. it has 2 intake fans and 2 exhaust with 1 fan blowing aorund inside. I have 8 CFl's. one question is... because im working in a small space (3ft wide, 3ft tall) whats a good dwarf plant to use. Im planning on doing lst and toppng to cut down on the height. What are some good seeds that are short but produce a big yield... i was thinking lowryder 2 or big bud


Well-Known Member
And where did you order all your stuff to and you are going to order seeds to your house to??????????


Well-Known Member
Get an auto flower strain like lowryders.. diesel is a good one by opinion..they flower by time and not light cycle, so you can do a 18/6 no they get about 24" +- ...and take about 9 weeks...


Well-Known Member
i got my stuff like nutes and stuff off advanced nutes then lights and crap at home depot... Ive already wiped the grow box down and cleaned it completly so there is no dust.

so far we have 3 recomendations: lowryder/masterlow/ak47

in your opinion what is the biggest yielding plant while still being able to fit my space


Well-Known Member
either stick with the lowryder 2 but if you do that then im pretty sure that those plants dont respond well to topping at all... but then again the whole purpose behind the plant is to grow small and fast so topping kinda seems to contridict that

or go with a big yeilder that still stays fairly small and go with scrog