need advice

I have a female plant that has first couple sets of pistils,and is about 3ft tall,I've have it in 5 gallon bucket with organic and potting mix soils mixed,I jus started bringing in at night to keep it on 12/12 schedule,will this plant get much bigger?I'm pretty sure its a sativa,thinner leaves,also I added night crawlers to soil is this good or bad???


Well-Known Member
Yes it will. I wouldnt say double but it will get bigger. I would guess about 2 more feet being that is about 3 foot at this point.


Active Member
your plant could double in size, it normally groes alot during the flowering period. so you can expect 2-3 feet i would think. I have never heard of anyone putting night crawlers in there bucket, i dont see how this could be bad though. just my take on it.


Active Member
Well he said it's already three feet tall, so.. Unless you meant it'll grow 2-3 feet, in which case, wow. Regardless, you can expect something of a beanpole, my man. Can't say how much taller it'll get, but it'll grow a little, yeah. Adding night crawlers.. interesting idea! Have nute generators right in your soil, I like it. Definitely start up a thread about this once you have a chance to see how it does, I'm curious.


Active Member
a plant is known to double and even triple in size during flowering. so its not unlikely that he will end up with a 6' tall plant
First time grower as u can tell,worms have worked great,I've never had to use any other fertilizer,branches doubled in length since adding worms,plant looks as healthy as it did when I started it.will I get a good yeild off a 6ft tall plant???


Well-Known Member
First time grower as u can tell,worms have worked great,I've never had to use any other fertilizer,branches doubled in length since adding worms,plant looks as healthy as it did when I started it.will I get a good yeild off a 6ft tall plant???
really depends on the strain the ammount of availible food water and o2 to the roots and the quality/strength of the light they recieve, also make sure that you are putting this girl in a light tight place that has some airflow light in small ammounts in 12 12 can exaggerate streching and in many cases cause hermi plants and longer bud times