Need advice with screen and maybe males


Hey guys I transplanted my plants yesterday into there permanent 4 gal buckets. The thing is, is that I don't know whos who yet. Could be all girls or all guys. I want to screen them as you can see from the pics. But i cant screen them till i know right? and i have to let them get a litle bit larger before switching 12-12. then sex then switch back to 18-6 to screen? Im just not sure what i should do. Maybe I should just pick the best girl and take Four clones and screen them. but then it will be many moons till smoke day.. What do you guys think? Oh also, my temps have been doing good. i think im gonna wait on thee cooling sys, if i keep the light off during the day the temps might not be a prob. I have that pic of the exhale bag on there because when i first got it it was brown and just looked like a lump of peatmoss. but now its got this white growth all over it. I would have to imagine that's it working. Till nex time peace​
(from my journal just need responses)



Well-Known Member
You could scrog (screen) them, then just cut out any males you get.

You plants look good & healthy! but a little young to be working under the screen.
I would veg for a while - consider the 4-way LST method mention here on another thread.
Take clones from all & label them, put the plants under the screen, scrog, then flower.
My current grow is from seed, and I put them under the screen after ~5 weeks veg.

(Not real sure what an exhale bag is .......)


You don't think that cutting the males out would make sure I had seeds. I always thought that once you see them, you have to be careful as to not knock any off or open them. These are my first run in this room so I just went with bag seeds. Next grow ill be ordering femz. And heres a pic of the exhale bag also.



I've read you should have a little window between when males show and actual pollen starts flying. also males should show b4 pistils on females form .


Well-Known Member
If you are watching carefully, you can catch male flowers before they open & remove them so they can not pollinate any female flowers.

I like your idea of feminized seeds - that's what I chiefly use. But some strains are only sold in regular variety. I got some now, and I plan to pop them in the future, scrog, and remove any males.


Well-Known Member
No you have plenty of time to remove males before their flowers open. If your not sure bend the plant over until you know its a male then remove it, if somehow it starts to pollinate then it wont do much damage bent over(tied down) .


Oh yea and I got a nice clone from the three best looking. Im going to do the cooling system sometime this week, ill be able to make a Veg/moma room just separated with black plastic. Temps will definitely be a prob with six or so 150 watt cfls going.



Well-Known Member
Check out my pics and let me know what you think.
I like the strategy, but not a big fan of the screen. How big are the squares? 1.5"? They look kinda small in the photo.
I made a screen with twine at 3" squares. Got the design off RIU (4-way LST/scrog thread?). Big squares to work in, with some flexibility of movement from the twine. Buds can grow in the screen, and you could always cut the twine as needed.

Plus, you may need more room to work under screen. How high is the screen about the soil? lip of the pot?
It might be tight to work. With a flexible screen, you can push your hand through to get to the plant. Not sure from the photo if you can work around the edge of the plants.

Plants look healthy!
Good luck with the scrog & cloning!