Need advice with leafhopper problem.


Well-Known Member
Right , so this morning I open my grow box to check on my plant and opening it around 10 maybe more leafhoppers flew out of the box, shaking the plant and a fucking SWARM of them flies out , atlest 30-40.My leaves are yellow , buds look untouched.
So I got a insecticide that is cypermethrin ,and I read only that I am supposed to spray the leaves only on both sides , the problem is my plant is a microgrow and there is no way I can spray the leaves without it getting on 80% of the buds . I have about 2-3 weeks left until she is finished , the bottle says the quarantine period is 3 days, I think I will have to spray atleast a couple of times , my question is , will these buds be safe to smoke when they finish and dry after getting cypermethrin on them.
Use azamax!...... in a shitstorm like you are in its a little beacon of hope :).. its safe for humans to consume and i had to use it once, got a bit on my buds and made them taste like chemicals but it saved a whole grow and didnt get ill.... but that was a last resort, try ladybirds
Use azamax!...... in a shitstorm like you are in its a little beacon of hope :).. its safe for humans to consume and i had to use it once, got a bit on my buds and made them taste like chemicals but it saved a whole grow and didnt get ill.... but that was a last resort, try ladybirds
nope.noway in hell would i use azamax in the beginning,middle and definitely not the end of your grow.those leafhoppers fuck with your leaves,let the plant grow.i battle with hoppers every year outside.not much you can do,ladybugs wont do anything for you.try yellow sticky traps.