Need advice! What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Well guys, let me start off by beginning at the end. Last year I grew 3 Northern Lights plants. All fem, gave my neighbor QUITE A BIT, well over 4 ounces bc hes cool and never bitches about me growing. Anyways this year comes around and I keep seeing his son running in the woods behind our house, constantly back there. So one day while talking to the neighbor I ask him if hes growing out back, he says his son may be but he dont know. Okay, worries. His son gets home, we all talk. Come to find he IS growing and we all walk back to see my photos (this time I grew in the field/woods vs my yard due to new neighbors) Anyways, while walking back from showing them my photos I ask to see his and he gets very very stiff about it, claiming they are very far away, etc etc etc. One day I catch him walkn back there and ask to join. Again another excuse and he turns around. NOW UP TO DATE!!!! This morning I let my dog out, he takes off RUNNING like a maniac into the field. He does this alot if chasing deer etc etc etc. Soo I go back after him, seeing the path be beat down I follow it, yelling his name. I finally find him bc he pops his head up then looks back down at whatever hes at. The closer I get to him I notice a bunch of tops. I'm thinking..." HOLY SHIT! Are those plants!?" when I finally got to him it was confirmed! The neighbor must of had his dog out there with him bc my dog ran instantly to his plants where he found a dog toy (that belonged to my neighbors dog) My dog and his dog play daily so I assume he smelt him and ran to him, only to find a little field lmao! Anyways I found about 10 plants, all budding. Now I dont plan on RIPPING his entire crop, that would be down right wrong! BUT I am asking, should I take back what I gave him last year? I assume he took the measures not to show me his grow so he wouldnt have to reciprocate. Out of the 10 I saw 1 or 2 little bushy ones that caught my eye...thoughts???


Active Member
Dude, really? you are actually thinking about ripping your neighbor's? not one leaf my friend, not one!!!!


Well-Known Member
He sounds a little shady, maybe not quite as 'cool' as you think, but maybe on the other hand, he may be 'cooler' than you think, and was simply trying to keep it under the radar to surprise you and return your favor.
If I were you, I would just let it ride, maybe ask once or twice more, when the opportunity arises if you can see his stash, but since you DO know for sure he has plants now, don't press the issue too hard.
Wait and see, he may surprise you, but if not.......... Then you know not to do him any more 'favors', and don't worry about him ratting you out for your grow LOL. What's he going to say?


As a teenager I'd have told you to rob his ass but be patient. Just because he doesn't want people to see his grow doesn't mean you won't get a kickback in the end. And if you don't politely inform him that you'll be getting trigger happy with the old bottle of round up next year.


Well-Known Member
Forget about it. Maybe he'll surprise you; maybe not. Either way, you save on givaways. Take solace in the fact that yours will be cured right.


Active Member
You sounded nice when you said you GAVE away some to your neighbour
You sound like a cockmuncher saying you're considering STEALING because you didnt receive anything for your generosity.
There is a difference between giving and lending

Ice tea

Hey man you would be dumb if you take his plants the finger is going to point right at you this guy has never stole your plants and he new you where growing if you steal his plants he is going to steal your plants best thing to do is just drop it better then a fighting


Well-Known Member
Yeah I dont plan on messing with them. I gave them quite a bit each harvest each year, when I say them that entire household smokes so it was mutually shared I am sure. Its just an old man, his son and the sons wife who lives there. Old man is cool as hell, son is ehhh, sketchy kinda character but for the most part tolerable. I wonder if they always been secretly growing while I been hooking them up? Hmmm..I normally openly grow in my yard where they can see it. They never had a problem with me doing it. This has been for years now. I wonder if thats why haha. If so that would be kinda messed up of me hooking them up all these harvests and them not returning the neighborly love. I was going to go take the small bushy one as I was harvesting mine around end of Sept-early Oct I figured one should be somewhat of what I gave them all these times. But that will lead to bad Karma on my grows to come, bad karma that I dont need. No worries brothers!