What's up rollitup, I'm new to this forum and new to the Santa Rosa area. I need some locals advice on getting my recommendation for a mmj card. I've suffered from mild insomnia for about 5 years now, sometimes it lasts for up to 3 days or so in which that time I'm forced to take a relatives prescription pills if I can't get any marijuana such as xanax, ambien, or codeine just to be able to get some sleep so I'm not feeling like a tweaker. However I rarely resort to it as I naturally have a high tolerance to these drugs (not sure if it's from my past Ive always had one even then though) and the side effects the next day from taking enough to actually be effective result in me sleeping until 2pm and being DEAD the entire day not wanting to do anything but lay around. I also have severe social anxiety and I get migraines every so often assuming from working on a computer at hours on end. I've never been to a doctor for any of these because I know doctors and I know they will only hop me up on some addictive sleeping pills and fuck me up even more. I also have asthma which is the only real thing I've gone to a doctor for. Smoking/vaping marijuana is my go to for all my flare ups and never once have I had any issues with side effects and addiction like the "medicine" these doctors subscribe. All this being said how should I go about approaching getting an MMJ card since I've relocated and have no stable connection to what I need anymore I'm have a shitty time and think it's about time I just go do it the legal way so I can pick up when I need guaranteed. I don't have any doctor records past my asthma as I've never bothered bringing up these issues I've always just used marijuana and kept to myself. Where should I go in this area, what do I need, how much will it cost, hopefully a doctor can see my point of view for not wanting to take prescription pills?