need advice plz help


Active Member
:-(if my grow box is to cold would it harm the plants to aim a heat bulb toward the box but not directly on them to heat it up?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
is this hat bulb red if so then no but go to wally world and get them blue grow bulbs. they have 65wtt and 125wtt ad will put off the heat you are looking for with out the fire. good luck


Active Member
is this hat bulb red if so then no but go to wally world and get them blue grow bulbs. they have 65wtt and 125wtt ad will put off the heat you are looking for with out the fire. good luck
ok should i put them directly on them and should i keep the cfl on them with it


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you can use red and blue spectrum during flower. blue for veg. and you can add with the cfl's.


Well-Known Member
Does it feel hot enough to start a fire? I say give it a shot ...if it starts a fire, whoops. If not you'll be pleasantly surprised.