Need advice on soil mix


Well-Known Member
Hello! So I got some blood meal (N), bone meal (P) langbeinite (K) . Bat Guano which I will probably use for teas and top dress. Will be mixing my base soil with vermiculite(30%), compost/castings(40%), and peat moss(30%). Azomite & Glacial Rockdust for minerals. I'm not exactly sure how much of the NPK amendments I should add to my mix. And is there anything crucial that I'm missing? Any advice would help thanks!


Well-Known Member
most amendments have recommended application rates printed on the box/label, its hard to say since you didnt list any numbers on how many cubic feed or quarts youll be using.


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend more than 10% vermiculite. I use it outdoors because it holds water longer in the summer heat. Vermiculite can have alkaline properties. It will take a long time for your mix to dry out and I think perlite is a better option. It's good in seed starting mixes however.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Mix some blood and bonemeal into the soil just a little bit. It's a slow release fertiliser so you won't have to worry about the plant overfeeding. The teas are good but I usually mix the blood fish and bonemeal into my soil with some poultury manure pellets. The pellets stink so what I do is for veg growth I set my soil mix with more nitrogen then when flowering I will transplant with a new soil mix more P and K less nitrogen mix. I'm just starting a new grow first I just put the seedlings into tiny pots with just potting soil. Then transplant into veg soil mix then the flowering soil mix. The transplanting is good to make sure your plants get the right ratio soil mix.