Need advice on first time grow

So today I spontaneously decided buy some lights. I bought a 12 pack of 48" 32watt 1800 lumen fluorescent T8 tubes and 2 32watt shoplight ballasts and a humidty/temp guage and a couple 5 gallon buckets. I still need a timer and some soil/fertilizer and need suggestions. Anyways since each ballasts holds 2 tubes that gives me 128watts total, is this enough to grow 1 plant in my closet if I put the ballasts vertical and the plant in between, one on either side. Would I have to rotate the plant so there is even coverage?.This is my first grow attempt so any advice would be appreciated.I can take pictures if needed.
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Well-Known Member
more light would be better but what you have will work. on my last grow I grew 3 plants in a 4foot by 2 foot closet with a 4 bulb T5 HO fixture and harvested 182 grams dry. 7200 lumens should be enough for l small plant. with your first grow you should be happy if you make it to harvest. as you gain experience you will do better. and welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
Just buy some cheap general purpose miracle grow fertilizer if you don't have a lot of cash, it will work just fine. The more light the better so if u can afford more I would do it.
Just buy some cheap general purpose miracle grow fertilizer if you don't have a lot of cash, it will work just fine. The more light the better so if u can afford more I would do it.
I have put a lot more thought into the grow and came up with this
I thought you were supposed to steer clear of miracle gro because of all the chemical salts or something



Well-Known Member
#lMHO (Coco based answer BTW.)
Salt build up is an issue when you:
Don't water with at least 10℅ run off.
Use saucers and it pools
Feed heavy too often.
Don't flush at flip or occasionally.
Thoughts of more is better...

Chronic the Hemphog

Well-Known Member
If you are gonna use miracle grow, use this kind. The regular kind has time release fertilizer that can be too strong for some young plants.



Well-Known Member
Just remember that using fluorescent lights... you are not looking at huge buds, or large yields without a lot of plant training...

The intensity of the light is simply not high enough to penetrate more than a couple inches of vegetation. You get surface buds only, so make sure you surround it with light during flower, not just from above...

Or use those things to light a shop, and get some grow lights :) I speak from the position of someone who stepped up may times, and wish I had simply invested in the full setup at the start... Still have so much old gear laying around...

Remember when u fire off your small plants, FF and most other premix soils are very strong with nutes, I suggest getting a single brick of coco coir, and kinda mix it down, dilute the bagged soil. (I did this with roots organic, and added a bit of plain coir for seedlings n clones)[eventually just went hydro]


Well-Known Member
I have put a lot more thought into the grow and came up with this
I thought you were supposed to steer clear of miracle gro because of all the chemical salts or something
I've been using MG for 3 years with great results.I think the problem people have is with the company that makes it and not the product itself


Well-Known Member
Just remember that using fluorescent lights... you are not looking at huge buds, or large yields without a lot of plant training...

The intensity of the light is simply not high enough to penetrate more than a couple inches of vegetation. You get surface buds only, so make sure you surround it with light during flower, not just from above...

Or use those things to light a shop, and get some grow lights :) I speak from the position of someone who stepped up may times, and wish I had simply invested in the full setup at the start... Still have so much old gear laying around...

Remember when u fire off your small plants, FF and most other premix soils are very strong with nutes, I suggest getting a single brick of coco coir, and kinda mix it down, dilute the bagged soil. (I did this with roots organic, and added a bit of plain coir for seedlings n clones)[eventually just went hydro]
this may be true with CFLs but not with T5HOs


Well-Known Member
Hence the 'high output'

But he is talking T8's... I would run them to veg on, train with, but I would get a better light before flowering. LED if heat/costs make it work, CMH if you really got money, and good old tried n true HPS so keep it simple. (Heat is always an issue with HPS, go in with a ventilation plan, and a hood, not a wing reflector)