Need advice on autistic plants


Well-Known Member
So I had two bag seed plants just sitting at a spare house that were just chucked in some dirt in the middle of winter, they started flowering at the start of spring growing extremely slowly and just stayed small. Two weeks ago I cut a nug off of one of the plants and the one I LST'd still has a nug on it that doesn't seem to be maturing further. I don't know if they were auto-flowers or not so would it be worth leaving them there to see if they flower again (the weed I did pull was actually amazingly good) or just pull them and throw some more seeds in?

Two weeks ago:
IMG_0284.JPG IMG_0286.JPG


Well-Known Member
Why bend it like that?
It was just a really long stem with only the top like 1/5th having any leaves or anything on it so i just bent it to the side and left it to let the stem sprout new leaves / branches and since then I didn't want to try to curl the branch back around since it's quite stiff now


Well-Known Member
If the smoke was good, finish 'em out if you have the room.

Your plants are reverting to veg, and are in shock.

Over winter and before the Spring Equinox, the amount of night is telling the plants to flower. You planted them outside during this period.

When spring hit, and the Equinox passed... they are now getting more sunlight that night time. That's why you thought they were auto's... you were basically growing 12/12 from seed. In a few weeks they should take back off with vegetative growth, but you will have to wait another couple months for them to finish off again.

That would be my assessment of the situation.