Need advice (Light, Vent, Aeroponics) Jardin II \ 2xHPS \ DutchPot


Hi all. I'm study this forum, but questions coming and coming more. Also my practice is going to 1996 year. In post Union country deals with growing was too ugly. We steals light from roads and grow up . Then was rest in indoor grows (about ten years). Time coming and i have a place for grow room.
ill wanna to grow in aeroponics SOG
Secret Jardin II (DR240 240cm x 240cm x 300cm or DR300 300cm x 300cm x200cm)
Im think that DR300 is little low 200cm - 67cm (Aerosystem) - 70cm (plants) - 15cm (Reflector) = 48 its enough hmm what about ultraviolet risk heart min 50 cm for 1000 HPS? Need advice <-----
DutchPot System Aero 2m2 GHE 120 plants (220cm &#1093; 100cm &#1093; 67cm)
Is somebody use it or something else better? Need advice <-----
Light 2x1000 HID OSRAM PlantaStar (140 Klm with blue light for veg - for all cycle)
What reflector to use Cooltube or Air Cooled Reflector and whats better on practice? Need advice <-----
Ventelation is (in) 1 x TD 800/200 SILENT T (for 2x1000 HPS out - passive) and for Jardin box is one TD-500/125 Silent (out - in is passive)
Is it enough and wich filter is better buy? Need advice <-----
This is a vent count for HPS lamps (t&#1059; = tB + &#916;t , where &#916;t = (H - h&#1056;&#1047;) * grad t) Im not count a volume od Jardin, if we know middle temperature on in (+22) and in out (+26) w've got a up temperature in growroom and positions with a minimum vent efficiency:
HPS 250:
4°C = 173.14 m3/hour.
5°C = 138.52 m3/hour.
6°C = 115.43 m3/hour.

HPS 400:
4°C = 277.04 m3/hour.
5°C = 221.63 m3/hour.
6°C = 184.70 m3/hour.

HPS 600:
4°C = 415.56 m3/hour.
5°C = 332.45 m3/hour.
6°C = 277.04 m3/hour.

HPS 1000:
4°C = 692.60 m3/hour.
5°C = 554.07 m3/hour.
6°C = 461.73 m3/hour.
Clones: Critical Mass, Hasberry, Mandala #1, Speed Qeen, Satori
Now i didn't know about controller for fans and all system Need advice <-----
waiting for opinions/
THX for good and critical words - im keep jobbing on myself =)

Yeh it's my first post im attach images from OUT'12 on 57 boreale

Autoflower - seed on bud


Strains in antique growbox (wardrobe 18-th centiry) LED 300W

Arjan Haze 3