Need advice getting my card in Colorado


Well-Known Member
I had brain surgery about 10 years ago and have been told I'm elligble for MM. My only problem is I have only been working for a few moths and haven't seen a Dr in a few years. I suffer from migranes and severe headaches.

What's my next step? I do not have health insurance at this time. So the minimal Dr tips would be great.

Can I get a copy of my medical records and then go to a MM friendly dr and proceed from there?


Do I have to see one of my old physicians and go from there? I'm kinda confused and want to get my card asap.

pick up a westword magazine for free anywhere. read in the alternive medicine section, there are MANY numbers to call for licensing, tell them what you just posted, some will not be able to help you out, but I PROMISE you if you call a few of them you will have your questions answered and you'll be very pleased. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Most places want medical records that are in the last 3 years or so. There are places that will set up a medical history for you, but it does cost more. Call the numbers in the Westword and find somewhere that is convient. Give them the information you have, do your best to get any medical records and prescription history that back up your claim.

Once you see the Dr and get your referral you will need to notarize it and send it to the state with your $90. The registary is really backed up atm and it can take 60 days or so for you to get your card. Make records of your application, referal and any reciepts that show you send your paperwork into the state and you can then buy medicine from most dispensaries.

It sounds like your a shoe in for MMJ so just find a time and place that works for you. Good luck.