Need Advice from Experienced Growers


I'm growing for the first time and I've got 7 plants going. They range from almost two weeks to about 6 days in age, so they are still really young. Although, when im looking at pictures online all of the plants look like they have more leaves and branches by this age. Mine are just really skinny, tall, kind of limp and have barely any leaves.

They don't get much sun, I am planning on moving them outdoors but I wanted to sprout them indoors without detection from my parents. I have them in a spot behind a stack of books where they get no direct sunlight but some secondary light from the window right near the stack. I put them under an intensive reading lamp at night when im home to try and give them some extra light.

Any suggestions or comments? What should I be doing, do they look like they are going well, and will moving them outdoors be okay? I might try and build a greenhouse around them out of some random shit but thats to be done this weekend.

Thanks a lot, I'll maybe do an update every few days if there's advice and feedback because I could really use and would greatly appreciate any input.



Well-Known Member
the reading lamp is the wrong kind of light.. if you want to plant them outside either

A) take them out and plant them now


B) get a cfl or some kind of floro and keep them under that 24/7...

they arent getting enough light at all... if you dont do one of the two and do it soon they are gonna die....


Okay, I am gona try and move them out doors tomorrow if its not raining. If I have a spot thats fenced in should I still build a temporary greenhouse?

I assume that they are like wilting over a bit because of the lack of light. Shit, I figured it had to do with the light, I just hope I can get them outside soon enough.


Well-Known Member
when you replant them, bury those long ass stems in the dirt. it will make them more stable.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I am gona try and move them out doors tomorrow if its not raining. If I have a spot thats fenced in should I still build a temporary greenhouse?

I assume that they are like wilting over a bit because of the lack of light. Shit, I figured it had to do with the light, I just hope I can get them outside soon enough.
They are tilting to the side probably because they are stretching towards the light. The type of bulb in your reading lamp is more than likely the wrong type of light for plant growth and even if it is the right type it will not be enough to sustain them for long. Move them outside as soon as you can. The sun will be more than enough to get them to thicken up in a few weeks.


I have fencing and like thick brush at my spot but I am just trying to be super sure that deer dont get in. Someone told me that human hair keeps them away? Or should I just count on double layered green fencing (the stuff you put around your yard, I don't know the exact name) on keeping deer out of the 15 by 20 clearing?


Well-Known Member
i started my grow with a reading light but soon realised i need a grow lamp so i went out and bought one and my plants were like your but had only been underneath the reading lamp for a week now take a look at my plants after 1 week of a reading lamp and one week off the cfl i bought you can see the diffrence :)

just so you know mine loked exactly like yours but not as tall and now look at the babys

they are yesterday mornings pictures so they have grown even more today cant wait to open my grow in the morning and have a big smile on my face

if your serious about growing then you will go out and but a good light

if you live in the uk go to your nearest growtech or hydrogrow or some form of plant shop and but a half decent light then those babys will grow into nice plants :)

peace out and respect

+++ rep please :)


when the plant is first growing it is crutial to give it lots of light . the first 1 to 3 weeks of growing needs the most light becuase that determines how strong your steam is going to be through out your growing process. to give the plant(s) 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness is pretty good . or you can go 24 hours of lighting straight. make sure to get a half decent light for your plants , you can just use a cheap light like a cfl , that would do the job.


Well-Known Member
marijuana is very resilent.. if you plant them and take care of them they will grow... like was suggested plant them a little deeper, so the stem has some stability.... water her lightly... if you can and want to get some rooting/transplanting nutes to help them out... help them establish some soild roots... you dont need to.. just a suggestion/idea... but it wont take long and the outside air to fatten that stem up and make you the proud father of your very own (hopefully) girl... just get them some light and they will be just fine...

good luck!


Well-Known Member
and use at least 18 hours of light if you plan on doing the light cycles yourself... 18/6... 19/5... ... 24/0.... not 16/8... youll confuse the shit out of your plant and could end up with a plant that doesnt know wether to grow or to flower...


I just put them in a box with a fluorescent head lamp on them, it was the only lamp i could find. I tried to rewire a xenon strobe lamp I had lying around yesterday but I ended up shorting out the entire house haha. Regardless, hopefully this light will give them a bit of energy overnight while it burns the batteries out and in the morning Ill try and hide them behind a curtain against a window or something so that they can get some natural light, even if its raining outside I have to assume that the light will be well needed.

thanks for all the feedback, hopefully ill be able to salvage this stuff. I am planning on doing like 25 plants over the summer, gona sprout like 20 more this week. I want to make some cash.

We will see how it goes. Ill post some more tomorrow this weekend and just give a brief update
hi, i had the same problem before, mine was due to the distance my light was from the plants if it is not a hps or metal halide get it inches away. Otherwise the plant strives to get closer to the light and then stretches


Well-Known Member
light through a window isnt like light from outside... your plants wont get the light they need that way either... if you cant get a floro or plant them i dont have an answer.. but i wanted to let you know that the light through the window idea wont work either...


Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt see you had a floro... try to keep them under that... they will do better under the floro than they will with window light... time to get some more batteries!


Well-Known Member
I do not know where you are so do not know the weather there but if it is not too cold, plant them outside and put some sort of a cover over them right away. At there size, the outdoors can easily kill them so I would put four stakes down and hang some clear plastic over them or like someone said, a mini little greenhouse even if its raining outside, get it done. I doubt you are ever going to give it enough light inside while trying to hide them from your parents. If you are planning on sprouting 20 more seeds, try to have a better set up first. A wooden box, an old cabinet or a rubber-maid bin can easily house 20 small plants in trays that can easily be replanted outside. You can mount 1 or 2 CFL's in the daylight 6500K spectrum to the top of the box, leave them on 24 hours and that will get them a good start in life while still remaining quite well hidden. A lot better than trying to hide them behind curtains and adding lights to them when your home.


Active Member
I am Growing two plants and one turned to be a female and one a male.........i Just destroyed the boy and i feel like crap.....I dont know what to do when my female in its final stages i dont know if i have the will to kill it and collect the budd....I just want to know how people feel when they have to kill their plants............


I live in the hamptons out on the end of long island, new york (like 100 miles east of NYC). Its pretty moist, im on the ocean. Its stays around 60-65 degrees for most of the time, and its rained for like 6 days straight. Its supposed to break up tomorrow.

What do you think about making a makeshift greenhouse out of a bunch of saran wrap and some posts. Like if I wrap it up nicely and make sure its sturdy. Or do I need a cloudier type of material, maybe one that's a bit heavier?

Im planning on doing a trip to the city next weekend so I can pick up some serious grow lamps and supplies. My outdoor spot is literally amazing, its just a matter of making it to that stage at this point.

what do you think about that sort of greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
If you can get some clear poly, it would be better than saran wrap however it will work. If you can build a little homemade greenhouse till they're a little bigger and healthier, it would be the thing to do. Although, I don't see how you're going to hide a little greenhouse from your parents. I would think that would be fairly noticeable versus a few plants popping out in the spring.


Well-Known Member
i dont mind killing males at all... and i dont mind killing my females when they are heavy with nice ripe buds and my stash is gone... lol it is sad.. but the nice thing about harvest is it means its time to start a new crop :) as far as the idea for the mini green house its an idea... i would go with a clear poly material if you can get your hands on it like was previously suggested... but its really up to what you can get ahold of on short notice... use saran wrap just to get one started and then if you come across some poly you can make a nicer one... its always fun to upgrade your garden...

15 minutes isnt to bad of a trip to an outdoor garden... how are you planning on transporting your supplies over that distance?? that will not be a fun... oh and i take it your spot is safe?? no thieves will find your girls right?? thats always been the number 1 reason i havent had one or 2 outdoor girls... ive had plants stolen from me before.. it sucks... i would be so ultra paranoid about my girls if they were outside away from me...

well good luck bro... keep us posted