Need Advice For my first GROW... ahh!

its my first grow and i've been reading forums and faqs but its all too confusing...
maybe someone could help me..

my seeds are germinating right now.. how long should i leave them under the bowl until planting them?..
when i do plant, how much water should i use? and how long should i leave it out in the sun?..
and when winter comes around, wut should i do?! ahhh lol
i'd appreciate it if someone could jus talk to me .. and not tell me to go do some more research.. im all researched out man..



its my first grow and i've been reading forums and faqs but its all too confusing...
maybe someone could help me..

my seeds are germinating right now.. how long should i leave them under the bowl until planting them?..
when i do plant, how much water should i use? and how long should i leave it out in the sun?..
and when winter comes around, wut should i do?! ahhh lol
i'd appreciate it if someone could jus talk to me .. and not tell me to go do some more research.. im all researched out man..


So Dude first off when your seed germ. and they have a tail on em about 1/2 long you get you a cup or something not so big to plant it in, solo cups work great. Make sure your put about 4 holes for drainage. mix some soil( I use happy frog you can get it from local hydro store)with half soil half perlite if you dont have perlite its okay but its good, also at the hydro store. make sure you plant your seedling in with the shell of the seed out of the soil and the tail into the soil just enough so that the shell or top (if the shell fell off)is above the soil.