Need advice. Anything helps

Hey, how's it going? To start off with, this is my first post in this forum. I'm seeking advice/help/anything. Anyways I'm sill pretty new to the growing scene and am currently jst about to start my third harvest. However the last two were quite disappointing and did not get the results I wanted. I have a 4X10 room with two 1000 watt mh for veg,hps for flower. With that being said I was curious as to how many plants would be most efficient? I've been using cutting edge solutions for my nutrients. But for this new harvest I got the full line of General Hydroponics Bio Weed to sample since it's all organic. Wondering if you guys have heard anything about them?
I also have decided to buy an RO system for this harvest and an AC. my room holds a little under 70 degrees with 50-60% humidity.
The strains I'm considering this time is Blue Dream, Purple Kush, and Purple Urkel. Any luck with those strains? Any specifics I should know? I'm looking for advice and help with ANYTHING because my last two harvests were pityful. Any help with nutrients, room set up, etc would be much appreciated. Thankyou!


Well-Known Member
Hey, welcome to the forum. Well to start, it sounds as if your temps are a tad on the low side, and humidity a bit too high. Try to bring your temps to between 70F and 75F lights-on, and humidity approx. 40% in veg, 30% or below, in flower. Are you growing in soil, or doing a hydro or aero setup? Something else to consider - I don't know what else you grew out, but a lot of the popular, high quality smoke is not known for high yield, as well. A pair of 1000w lights put out a lot of heat - possible heat stress could lower your yield. Hard to say what could be happening, without a lot more detail. Honestly, best thing would be maybe start a grow journal with your new crop, and get help along the way, as it's happening.
Thanks for the help. So raise the temp a little while the lights are on and drop the humidity? I'm growing in all coco with perlite. The last two harvest in flowering have been no more than 75 degrees and always in the final weeks of flowering I get mites. I don't know what causes it and it always causes me to pull plants early. I rebuilt room completely, sealed it and cleaned it. Re did my ventilation so there is surpreme air flow. I'm basically just stumped at this point.


Well-Known Member
If you see mites every time towards the end, they are there sooner - you just aren't seeing them. Try spraying everything (not the lights!) down with Neem Oil - it's good stuff. Spray again two weeks after first application. I spray my own plants at about two weeks old, in veg - prevention is always your best, easiest defense. I also heard another grower, a veteran, claim that hanging bars of Irish Spring soap in your growroom, along with some shavings of it in the corners, will keep mites away. I don't know if it works - but it's a cheap option to try, anyway.