Need a really good revegging tip?


Active Member
Hey guys I just today sacrificed my biggest indoor clone to the outdoors due to the fact that it was overcrowding the rest of my plants and simply just getting in the way. It was on day 15-16 of flowering indoors under a 1000 watt hps. Now that shes outside she has maybe a few more weeks until the daylight hours are increasing and starts to try and re veg. How can I keep her alive??? It is a fire O.G cutting from harborside and is about 3 feet tall with a shitload of popcorn bud sites all over with white hairs poking out. How can I keep her alive so I can use this plant for my outdoor? Hoping it will stay alive and healthy because if it does it will be a fuckin beast this year and deffinitely give me a fat yield. Just have no knowledge whatsoever with revegging , please help me!


Well-Known Member
You need far more light and a lot more light to force reveg now. She needs to be under a lot of light and a change to 5000K or 6500K (a combo is best of the two) is recommended. MH. CFL. More toward the blue end of the spectrum. And these lights need to be on 18/6. If you're near Frisco you do not have enough sun yet this year and will not for some time.


Well-Known Member
Under your current scenario, that plant will continue flowering til' about mid-April...then become stressed and confused by the ever increasing daylight hours.

The only reason I know this is b/c I tried it once before I had any indoor artificial lighting. She flowered just fine in a window, until late April when she promptly became a hermaphrodite.

If you can, try and at least use a few CFL's to keep her awake until mid-April.

Good luck!


Active Member
The thing is I dont have CFL lighting available to this plant.. Its to big to fit in my CFL cab and to big for my flowering closet so I just said fuck it and threw her outside yesterday and tied her down so the wind would stop knocking her over. If i just leave her outside until veg time comes around , would she stay alive you think? i have seedlings in my backyard that are all flowering and have lil tiny buds so im assuming just as long as those flower , this one will. Im just speaking as of when the veg time comes really , what do I do? Do i just start clippin buds off? What do I do ?


Active Member
I put my girls in an outdoor shed everynight at 6pm and back out again in the sun around 7am when i wake up....

You need to find a way to light deprive them starting the end of this month


Well-Known Member
I put my girls in an outdoor shed everynight at 6pm and back out again in the sun around 7am when i wake up....

You need to find a way to light deprive them starting the end of this month
what? this is what he doesnt want to do, he's lookuing to provide more light hrs not deprive them


Active Member
True...i just reread his post i thought he meant "keep them flowering" to avoid reveg...."keep them alive" is vague and i got bad


Active Member
I'm not too far from TJ so I really don't know what the growing conditions are farther north in your area of the left coast. I started putting my 2 foot clones outside about 3 weeks ago. They are flowering nicely and I look forward to my first harvest in about 5 or 6 weeks. This is the third year I've been vegging indoors and flowering outdoors with great success. I've never had a problem with plants revegging before harvest. I put plants outside every 30 days from about March til September. I started a couple of weeks early this year just because the weather was nice. So what makes such a big difference 500 miles north?? Is it cooler weather, overcast or what?? I'm pretty sure sunup and sunset aren't much different.


Active Member
Id like for them to naturally reveg im just asking what do I do when that time comes around? the weird thing is all the buds were very mini on them and in the last few days of being tied down they grew out a bit and look like they are trying to mature? Reds tips at the ends of some of the hairs on the top buds? Anywho back to the question what do I do when that time comes around? Do I just cut the buds off so that new vegetative growth can grow?

Edit: another reason why I put her outside is because my area's light schedule is pretty much in tune with what time my indoor lights were going on and off so she didnt really stress or anything or atleast hasnt. How long do you think it will be until my light schedule will be at 13\11? If it is at about 20 minutes off of 12\12 right now?
Word of advice: Just buy new plants when you're done. Why would you waste resources on trying to reveg.? Even if you spent $14 on another clone, $12 organic soil, and $15 on an extremely large pot (10 gallons), you'd save a whole lot in time and electricity trying to reveg. an already spent plant. You could grow the new plant into a tree and cut clones off of it for as long as its healthy enough to produce good shoots. Revegging is very difficult and is best accomplished in early flower, not after heavy budding.