Need a little help with nitrogen.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well I am about 2 weeks into flowering and my plants are showing signs of to much nitrogen.. Dark green leaves and curling a little not bad because I noticed it... I've been flushing for a week to try and get it out of their syetem.. They look better and their leaves are a little lighter was wondering when I should start feeding again? I don't wanna go to long with no food because my buds wont grow big. I am using AN 3 part MGB... out of those three parts is there one I can cut back on that contains all the nitrogen? Just looking for a little guidance thanks..

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Anyone else... I wanna feed them so my buds will plump up...I've been flushing but still kinda dark im gonna get pics here in a minute


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it's not the strain that's supposed to be dark green? Only reason I mention this is cuz my lemon skunk is super dark green compared to the other two strains I have. I just gave mine a major nitrogen boost in their last feeding (Humboldt Verde - 16-1-2). A few of the leaves turned dark but they look super healthy so I'd say it was a success. We would need to see pics to give a fair suggestion.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Heres some pics I can't do a tradional flush because their in the net and I don't have huge water catchers... But I do get a good amount of run off... The front two are my beats their in 1 gal pots while the other are in 3 gals.. I didn't have enough soil and their strecthed like a bitch I know... it's from the nitrgen


Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Are you sure it's not the strain that's supposed to be dark green? Only reason I mention this is cuz my lemon skunk is super dark green compared to the other two strains I have. I just gave mine a major nitrogen boost in their last feeding (Humboldt Verde - 16-1-2). A few of the leaves turned dark but they look super healthy so I'd say it was a success. We would need to see pics to give a fair suggestion.

Thats funny that you say that bro, because this strain is KUSHBERRY... Og kush x blueberry... and from what I've been reading blueberry does the claw naturally and is dark green... I just want to make sure because I deff don't want to make it worse. But thats a very good possibillty... anyone else for sure on blueberry doing this?

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Honestly too they look pretty healthy.. No dying leaves or nothing just dark green some what claw leaves.. I've seen claw plants that are horrible hell i've had a few, these are not that bad.. Those pics were taken yesterday before watering to... Ill snap a today picture of them perked.



Well-Known Member
To be safe, the next time you feed them make sure you use something with 0 nitrogen. It sounds drastic but you definitely don't want to give them too much nitrogen or else they won't want to flower. I'm searching around for a picture of too much nitrogen but have been unsuccessful. If I find anything else I'll let you know, but for now don't give them anymore N.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well that the thing make you help me with... I use advance nutrients three stage micro,grow,bloom... If I wanted no nitrogen which one would I cut out? I think mirco contains the most but it looks like they all contain some... I've been using AN for a while now and I honestly don't really like this company.. Ill be using something different next time, just using the rest of the bottles up.


Well-Known Member
If I were you I would do some research about your strain first to make sure you're not chasing your own tail lol. See what other growers experienced with your strain and compare that to yours. If you still think you have an issue, go from there :)

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
subcool which is a reputable guy on here said this

Its called whorled phyllotaxy and its extremely common in Blueberry it comes from the genetic mutations caused by Colchine which was used in the breeding of Blueberry or at least thats what I have always heard.


Well-Known Member
Awesome. So at least you know it's normal for now. The leaves look healthy to me, but I'm no pro (still a noob). My lemon skunk is the same color as yours though. One plant has one leaf that canoes upward and another plant has one leaf that curls down. The plants looks healthy so I haven't worried about it. You should be fine giving them nutes. Just remember, less is more. ;)

I went just under 1/4 for my ladies first feed. The second feed I did the same. Third feed I used 3/4 of a tsp of Verde only (16-1-2) per 5gal bucket of water. Tomorrow they're getting straight water. After that their getting 1/2 dose, hope the can handle it...