Need a little Advice


Active Member
WEll I looked today and my two clones have roots shooting out everywhere, now I have alot of questions on keeping them growing.

Like -
How big of pot do I put it in?
Whats the best soil for indoor growing ?
I have two 43 CFLS, I know I should add more- How many ?
Nutes - when do I start using them ? what levels of NPK
And can I clone these before I flower them - I know they are female as my mother plant is about 5' tall and is outside and blooming like hell.

thanks for all the input


Active Member
as soon as you see the roots going out by the bottom of the pot, it's time to change of pot! dont put too much nutes so far start with a little and as the plant grow give em more.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey MEM...

congrats on the rooted clones... You can transplant them directly into a 3 gallon container.... you can pretty much use any QUALITY soil from the nursery.... you can even use Miracle Grow..

they key top using CFL's is to keep the plants healthy and FLOWER early..when they have 4-6 nodes..

You will want to keep the ligts AS close to the foliage without burning your leaves....

this is usually less than 1 inch.. especially if you have a fan blowing in the room.. (it does not need to be directly on the plants)..

This book details the day by day journey of a CFL grow that started just like yours...
How to grow marijuana - See More Buds - video DVD reviews



Well-Known Member
WEll I looked today and my two clones have roots shooting out everywhere, now I have alot of questions on keeping them growing.

Like -
How big of pot do I put it in?
Whats the best soil for indoor growing ?
I have two 43 CFLS, I know I should add more- How many ?
Nutes - when do I start using them ? what levels of NPK
And can I clone these before I flower them - I know they are female as my mother plant is about 5' tall and is outside and blooming like hell.

thanks for all the input
put em in a 6 inch pot to start,,
use a good organic soil(no built in nutes)maybe add peat moss,or vermiculite,or perlite,or all 3
for 2 plants,,4 lights would work great
start using a bloom nute in about a week,,half dose for a couple waters,,then full strength after
yes,,you can clone them before flowering,

Keep on Growin



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Om with Graden Known 3 gallon pots in miracle grow moisture control soil but only use the moisture control none of the others.