Need a Diagnosis


Well-Known Member
When I first started using Dynagro, I was a bit concerned about the NPK values, myself(you're talking about the low nitrogen, right?), but after using it, i've found that it works out perfectly, with my plants finishing up, fans leaves just starting to yellow. Leaves them less grassy-smelling/tasting, w/o the excessive chlorophyll at the end, and I've come to enjoy the results.


Active Member
When I first started using Dynagro, I was a bit concerned about the NPK values, myself(you're talking about the low nitrogen, right?), but after using it, i've found that it works out perfectly, with my plants finishing up, fans leaves just starting to yellow. Leaves them less grassy-smelling/tasting, w/o the excessive chlorophyll at the end, and I've come to enjoy the results.
Most Nutrients are two or three part systems. If you really know what you are doing you can adjust your a or b or micro to suit the particular stage of flowering. Also if you flush with plain water and molasses for 3days to 2 weeks depending on medium and strain, you can achieve the results you speak of.

Really no nutrient is complete in any fashion, its up to the grower to know how to apply them correctly to see real results.


Well-Known Member
I see alot of people swear by canna, haven,t seen a bad word said about it. It has a very good reputation and is very established.


Well-Known Member
Most Nutrients are two or three part systems. If you really know what you are doing you can adjust your a or b or micro to suit the particular stage of flowering. Also if you flush with plain water and molasses for 3days to 2 weeks depending on medium and strain, you can achieve the results you speak of.

Really no nutrient is complete in any fashion, its up to the grower to know how to apply them correctly to see real results.

Bingo. Also,..Dynagro is a two part system, in which I was referring to the Grow(veg) fert of the two, which has NPK values of 7-9-6, which struck me as odd, being that almost every other veg fert I've seen, in nitrogen-biased. I also use their Protekt(silicon) and Calmag Plus(with additional micros), in addition to their Bloom fert(3-12-6), and it works great. I also switch to straight water, for the last week or so, and works excellent. Pretty much eliminates the need to flush, now that I have all the bugs worked out.


Active Member
Im sure most ferts work just fine, i use bio bizz grow and bio bizz bloom, both have different amounts and different types that i add for the whole gow from start to finish but i never add grow and bloom in the same feed as some of the nutrients react apparently. Using one grow and one bloom from the same reputable company like biobizz or canna etc etc means a well balanced 2 part fertilizer where the grow complements the bloom, this keeps it simple. You are definatly overwatering.
You cannot mix BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom?
That was news to me, please let me know why - and where you got this info.

What do you do in flower? Give them only Grow, then wait until they are dry and only give them Bloom?

I'm not saying you are wrong at all, it's just that I'm using those products and you got me worried - because I mix them togheter before watering (feeding).


Well-Known Member
You cannot mix BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom?
That was news to me, please let me know why - and where you got this info.

What do you do in flower? Give them only Grow, then wait until they are dry and only give them Bloom?

I'm not saying you are wrong at all, it's just that I'm using those products and you got me worried - because I mix them togheter before watering (feeding).
He may be right, but it's hard to say. I use Protekt, and sometimes it'll precipitate out of solution,(it instantly turns into white flaky stuff) when I try to mix it in, if I'd already added other ferts first. But, as long as I mix the Protekt first, I don't have any problems. It's possible, but seems awful odd that a veg and bloom fert from the same manufacturer, can't be blended. If that's the case, there should be warnings on the label. With Protekt, there is.


Well-Known Member
You cannot mix BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom?
That was news to me, please let me know why - and where you got this info.

What do you do in flower? Give them only Grow, then wait until they are dry and only give them Bloom?

I'm not saying you are wrong at all, it's just that I'm using those products and you got me worried - because I mix them togheter before watering (feeding).
I would have to look into it again, was told not to. It is good practice for chemical ferts and especially don't mix them together undiluted. People probably do but some things chelate and other things can happen. Its been a while since i found out about this, grow charts don't seem to care and say mix grow and bloom together. Maybe if i come back to you on that one when i can get a link to some solid evidence......

Sorry didn't see the part about ''precipitating out of solution'', this i think is when things chelate, solid particles are formed or bigger particles that the plant can't absorb.


Well-Known Member
Read up about it and come to your own conclusion, youv'e got somthing to start with and this guy says he has problems with certain ferts mixing. It is a valid point but i don't know much about it anymore and just stick to not mixing ferts. I grow with organic ferts so i think i have less need to worry but still it is good pracrice. Peace


Active Member
OK, thanks for the info. But BioBizz Grow and Bloom is organic, and I've never seen it "lump togheter" - but I'll watch out for it anyway.

Agent 47

Well-Known Member
Most of you guys are victims to marketing. Do you really think that cannabis is some special magic plant that requires only the most special nutrients by (X) company, and if you don't use them your plants with die in 3 nanoseconds.

This simply isn't true, and once everyone (i had to) swallows their pride and realizes that they have wasted their money on the poorly put together "Canna" nutrients, they can really start growing good crops.

Someone said something about dyna-gro earlier. SHOW ME, a single cannabis specific product that provides all 16 essential elements in one bottle at near perfect ratios. To equal the same quality of dyna-gro one would have to buy 20+ bottles of all AN additives magic this and super that.

It's a ego thing, you need to lose it. I suggest psilocybin, a completely dark room, and hours of deep thought and reflection.


Well-Known Member
Don't think so, i use biobizz and researched the ingredients first, contains all 16 micro and macro and is mainly molasses and beet, cheap cheerful and dose the job, hence why i went for it. Most problems with ferts are the soil and water quality not the actual ferts themselves. I went with a dutch grow company for ferts because they grow good sh!t in holland, the best sh!t in fact

Tomatos have specific ferts but i don't think they grow great toms, this is down to the grower and strain. Maybe you should try some of the more specific dutch ferts for marijuana because over here we don't know dya-grow or fox-farms but in holland they have stuff that will blow you away and they are real serious about growing weed, don't know if you ever been to amsterdam but if you did you would realise that this city is built on weed and they would disagree with you.

I went for bio-bizz because it was aimed at most plants and wasn't trying to be specific as well as the fact that they are a well established company that know there ferts and have years and years of getting it right. I find hydro is more specific for weed.

I think the dutch have a different attitude to ferts and growing weed than the american market, you guys seemed trapped in the hype wheras we just have a lot of good ferts and products that grow great weed, marketing is not so important here so much as reputation amongst fellow growers.

Why would you diss 'Canna', i think you are wrong here, some of the best ferts i have seen and they aren't just aimed at the marijuana market, call the company or ask for an ingredient list, think you will be suprised at how good they are on paper! Most people over here prefer the canna hydro nutes for soil as they seem more complete than the canna soil nutes! Seriously, you got some kind of problem with canna because if you have i don't think you are using ferts the right way.

One part nutes suck for marijuana, nute requirements change with veg and flowering whereas my peppers prefer a one part fert as their veg and flowering requirements are the same throughout. I really think you should read what you have written because you seem trapped by the hype more than us! Up to you which ferts you use!


Well-Known Member
God its like some growers diss every fert, what the hell do you want me to grow with then? Thin air? Some ferts are great for weed and some aren't, i don't care about the hype or product packaging but about wether it supplies my crop with what it needs when it needs!


Active Member
Greendream number one are a 1 part nute and they are awsome with its slury technology, kinggrow your pm's are full and wouldnt let me reply till you delete some,


Active Member
no probs m8, you were saying about the bio bizz, i got bio grow/ bio bloom/ and a booster' how much of the booster is needed alongside the bio grow for vegging? i was reading afew pages back and someone said that its all marketing gimicks, but like kingrow said its always good to know whats been the most sold product, the ones people cant get enough of and always telling they're friends about. on my frist grow i was geting loads of different feds but then i just wanted to know what the best selling one's were and i stuck to them, got all the bio bizz but havn't given it a go yet. is a 6-6-6 or a 7-7-7 any good for veging?


Well-Known Member
God its like some growers diss every fert, what the hell do you want me to grow with then? Thin air? Some ferts are great for weed and some aren't, i don't care about the hype or product packaging but about wether it supplies my crop with what it needs when it needs!

LOL, you can grow with whichever fert brand you want, it's up to you, 'cause they'll all work just fine, once you figure out what dosing works for your plants. I use Dynagro because it's easy, but I'm also confident that I could buy Canna products,(for example) and have the same success, after some tweaking, to get the feedings just right. They all work, but it's likely that you'll have some fuck-ups along the way, and if you's YOU, not the fert brand. The recommended feeding schedules on the labels of fert bottles, rarely work, without some adjusting, so you should expect some deficiencies/overfert til you get in a couple runs. That's just a fact of life, due to the vast differences in growing styles, meaning that it's impossible for any fert company to tell you how to feed you plants, accurately. Pick a fert selection that's in your budget, and go with it. It'll work just as good as the next brand, once you get the bugs worked out, tweaking it to your own setup.