Need a Diagnosis

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
I could use some help diagnosing the problem with this plant. looking at the stickies on this and others plant problem forums, I believe it to be a potassium or calcium deficiency. Older fan leaves have a burnt tips ( overfert?) and are yellowing at edges with some brown spots. I've been using cal/mag, thrive alive, fox farm growbig throughout veg and during flowering using snow storm ultra, which I believe is all soluble potassium. I'm growing in a soil mix, I'm in the 3rd to 4th week of flower and the room temps go from the mid 70's to mid 80's. I've been using fox farm bigbud and tigerbloom, cal mag, snowstorm ultra, thrive alive, and molasses in every feeding. I was wondering if flushing was the best way to go could use some helpIMG_1011.jpgIMG_1013.jpgIMG_1012.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look pretty good, except for a tad of overfert, followed by nutelock. Yeah, I'd give them a flushing, because the PH has likely dropped over time, waste has built up in the medium, and it could use a cleaning. The plants will thank you for it. :wink:


Active Member
you are giving the plants too much potassium, it is causing a nutrient lock out of what could be magnesium if the k is high. or it could be lock out due to low ph caused by overwatering, i would flush with water,and leave them to almost dry out before you water or feed again, and then go easy on the nutes.


Active Member
i just re read what you said, that looks like a shopping list, you are deffinately overfertilising, try and keep the feed schedule simple, just a decent nkp will do the job

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
It sounds like alot but I only add about a teaspoon of each: fox farm bigbud and tigerbloom, as well as a teaspoon of snowstorm ultra and cal/mag with a drop of the thrive alive and a tablespoon of molasses in a gallon of water. i usually water every other day sometimes every 2 days depending on temps and humidity

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
They look good to me with a little too much salts, whatever that happens to be.

Problem with most folks is they go by the ads and label names rather than NPK and micro values. Who knows what the plant is actually receiving? I mean, what is this regarding total PPM and NPK ratios?

fox farm bigbud and tigerbloom, cal mag, snowstorm ultra, thrive alive, and molasses

Looks like you've fallen for the hype, spent alot of money on overpriced products (that are deficient in N), and still don't know what's going on when it comes to plant nutrition. Sorry to sound so blunt, but I get really tired of people throwing shit at their plants (and cannabis specific products ARE shit) and not understanding the only thing that matters - plant nutrition. Shit-can all that stuff, buy some foods from Walmart or a lumber yard and you'll be fine. You need a 30-10-10, a 10-30-20 and perhaps a 20-20-20.....all for under $15 that will last forever.

Let's take Snowstorm Ultra, really the ultra rip. It's nothing more than a source for K, potassium hydroxide (also highly alkaline), which may be provided by other foods or your soil's charge. If you're determined to piss off your money then buy potassium hydroxide from a beer makers vendor and spend pennies for a more concentrated product. Gotta luv it -> "After 2 years of research, we’ve taken Snow Storm to the next level: Snow Storm Ultra. We can say for a fact that Snow Storm Ultra is definitely ready for market. "

"Definately ready for the market" - translation, "hey Humboldt stoner staff, ready to screw another 1,000 noobs with some bullshit ads and claims? Let's go boyz!" lol

Good luck,
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Well-Known Member
It sounds like alot but I only add about a teaspoon of each: fox farm bigbud and tigerbloom, as well as a teaspoon of snowstorm ultra and cal/mag with a drop of the thrive alive and a tablespoon of molasses in a gallon of water. i usually water every other day sometimes every 2 days depending on temps and humidity
Your overwatering holmes

And hell yeah Uncle Ben even stopped in with very good advice, I'm guilty myself of buying the "hype". LOL, but hes right your throwing too much shit at your plants without even understanding what they truely need.. I'd reduce to FF BB every other watering, 3-4 days, depending on soil moisture or go on weight on pot, and put that other shit away.

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben , 303 thats for the input, advice and honesty. Its exactly what I was looking for. I've used the fox farm line in the past and liked the results $15-20 a liter i thought wasn't bad, cal/mag because I use tap water and it seemed to remedy yellow patches that i was getting and another grower suggested the snow storm ultra so I thought why not give it a try, thats when this seemed to get a little out of wack.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
.....another grower suggested the snow storm ultra so I thought why not give it a try, thats when this seemed to get a little out of wack.
It always does (get out of wack) when you use alot of stuff you may or may not need.

Watch these guys, if it sounds to good to be true, it is. They (Humboldt, AN, etc.) entrap new growers psychologically thru marketing schemes and the grower's "dreams" of big juicy buds. For example, the "Snow Storm Ultra" conjures up hopes, dreams, thoughts, of snow covered buds abundant in trichomes when actually all it is, is readily available and cheap K, derived from many sources. You're led to believe it will lead to heavy trichome production (i.e. Snow Storm) in spite of the fact that IN GENERAL the mass of the trichome field does not dictate the potency or quality of the high and can not be influenced by alot of K. The trichome field is largely genetically determined. Also, it's what's inside that trichome head that matters. If you ever get your hands on some potent sativa you'll notice there's hardly any trichomes to be seen, especially by the naked eye and the trichome field is limited compared to indica genes. The seed conmen have bred the indica heavy trichome field into our mutts of today partly for marketing purposes as they photo hype their wares or pay off judges at Cannabis Cups for the Big Win. It's all about the money.

Another thought - if using soil, stick to foods designed for soil like Peters.

Glad to be of help.


Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks again for all he advice everyone. I flushed my plant the other day with 10 gallons of ph'ed waterand the symptoms don't seem to be getting worse. I just hope I caught it early enough not to set her back to much things were going pretty great before all this.
Uncle Ben i'm going to look into peters like you said. No more will i chase this gimmicks that these fertilizer companies sell. I simply hoped that I could reap the benefits of the time and money they invested in producing their products and see it in my garden but i guess its a pipe dream or maybe just my lack of experience.


Active Member
I have had GREAT results using ALL Humboldt Countys Own products. Every one of them SEEMS to do what they claim, and Bushmaster without a doubt in the world DOES EXACTLY as it claims.

Uncleben - Have you ever used these products?!? I agree with you about the hype, but some companies hype because they actually have products that ACTUALLY WORK!

Im not a sales person or have any interest in promoting HCO but I am EXTREMELY happy with my purchase of all of there products. They are all SUPER concentrated and sell for extremely reasonable prices. I am on my first bottle of all these products and have gone through about 5 3000 watt grows.


Well-Known Member
Im sure most ferts work just fine, i use bio bizz grow and bio bizz bloom, both have different amounts and different types that i add for the whole gow from start to finish but i never add grow and bloom in the same feed as some of the nutrients react apparently. Using one grow and one bloom from the same reputable company like biobizz or canna etc etc means a well balanced 2 part fertilizer where the grow complements the bloom, this keeps it simple. You are definatly overwatering.


Well-Known Member
^It's not the fertilizer, Monko760, it's you doing a proper job of providing the proper conditions for growing. N, P, and K, are N, P, and K, no matter what kind of fancy label is stamped on the bottle. It has nothing to do with the brand, it's the fact that you were giving them the proper doseages, when feeding, that you were successful. Now, just because the manufacturer's recommended feeding schedule, worked for you, doesn't mean it's a better fert than another brand, it simply means that you got lucky. There's so many variables in growing, that it's impossible for manufacturers to give an exact feeding schedule, and have it work for everyone. If you had problems with other ferts, chances are, that you were either over, or under, feeding them, and there was nothing wrong with the fert. :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Sheesh, who resurrected this?

I have had GREAT results using ALL Humboldt Countys Own products. Every one of them SEEMS to do what they claim, and Bushmaster without a doubt in the world DOES EXACTLY as it claims.

Uncleben - Have you ever used these products?!? I agree with you about the hype, but some companies hype because they actually have products that ACTUALLY WORK!

Im not a sales person or have any interest in promoting HCO but I am EXTREMELY happy with my purchase of all of there products. They are all SUPER concentrated and sell for extremely reasonable prices. I am on my first bottle of all these products and have gone through about 5 3000 watt grows.
Walmart foods actually work too. See my avatar.

A 3-1-3 is not "super concentrated". It's a watered down rip. Do some research regarding what NPK values mean as well as the term "guaranteed analysis". You sound like the typical very young and gullible noob who will have to learn the hard way.

And to answer your question, I wouldn't touch any of this cannabis crap with a ten foot pole.



Active Member
ok UB since you have not used the products please refrain from bashing the whole company. The only reason I use there stuff is because it actually does work! NPK's are all good and well when selecting a base nutrient, but plants need ALOT more than just NPK.

What do you suggest I use in place of Bushmaster, when a stretchy sativa is out of control and you wish to initiate flowering immediately.

What do you suggest I use to super charge nutrient uptake such as snow storm does?

I know that I can get the results I get from gravity with kelp and a few natural resources, but my bubble bucket systems prefer a more refined product because of PH issues. Not to mention Gravity is more than just kelp extract.

Please o most knowledgeable "old timer" school me instead of just blabbering about NPKS and Snake oil.

BTW 'Humboldt Countys Own' IS NOT 'Humboldt Nutrients'! I have no clue where the mix up is but I am not talking about the product you linked.