Need a bit of advice


Active Member
You have seen someone flower with a MH???? Thats just a blue spectrum bulb???? It wouldn't be very good for flower at all its not giving the plant the right light for the process. Maybe it dose work but I can't see ig being any good for what you need it for you need a dual spec hps or a pure red hps or some sort of bulb with the red spectrum in iti I have never known anyone do a flower cycle with a MH Pal ???


Well-Known Member
You have seen someone flower with a MH???? Thats just a blue spectrum bulb???? It wouldn't be very good for flower at all its not giving the plant the right light for the process. Maybe it dose work but I can't see ig being any good for what you need it for you need a dual spec hps or a pure red hps or some sort of bulb with the red spectrum in iti I have never known anyone do a flower cycle with a MH Pal ???
Yeah man. 5500k MH. The bud was pretty good. Not a whole lot of it but again it was only a single 600w in a 5x5.


Active Member
for what its worth tho m8 and the amount of electric your gonna use just get a cheap hps dual spec you will double your crop size honestly its so worth doing


Well-Known Member
for what its worth tho m8 and the amount of electric your gonna use just get a cheap hps dual spec you will double your crop size honestly its so worth doing
Dude you dont get it. He tossed a couple autos in his veg tent. His priority was definitely the vegging photoperiod plants.


Active Member
Right I'm lost now the start of this thread was asking if the plants looked OK im lost were this convo has gone..... think I'm over tired so what is the issue hear now? Whats the question help is needed with?


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone suggest a new setup. Light etc. she has a good light she just needs to then it up.

there are people who use MH seed to harvest. And they swear by it.


Weed Modifier
Do these plants look good so far? 1st time growing. They are autos growing indoors and a month in. I thought they should be flowering by not but not sure. Any help would be appreciated.
What to look for while growing a mj plant is to try avoid too much stretch between the nodes, you want to have as little internode spacing as possible. So you will need to give more light and or more blue light during veg, this will help avoid stretching, either you had lights dimmed to much or they were too far away...or they put out too much red light.

If they were photo plants you could have just topped them and carried on , but as they are autos, thats not advised for autos.

Learning experience, weither good or bad still is something to remember, and it will make you do better next round.

Start thread earlier next round so we can follow and advise you before they get out of control!

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