necrotic spots, burnt tips, veins are yellow


i took a bunch of pictures, I recently put her into flowering on a 400 watt hps for 13/11. use a 15-30-15 bloom mix every 3 days foilar, but not until it begins dark cycle. ph has recently been very acidic but ive flushed it two times with 3x volume water. now ph rests at appx 6. i am wondering if it might be a lack of some secondary nutes? thanks for the help guys

also bud production is vastly slowed and reduced, perhaps calcium deficiency, or manganese?



Active Member
i took a bunch of pictures, I recently put her into flowering on a 400 watt hps for 13/11. use a 15-30-15 bloom mix every 3 days foilar, but not until it begins dark cycle. ph has recently been very acidic but ive flushed it two times with 3x volume water. now ph rests at appx 6. i am wondering if it might be a lack of some secondary nutes? thanks for the help guys

also bud production is vastly slowed and reduced, perhaps calcium deficiency, or manganese?
Its hard to diagnose without pictures, even with pictures its sometimes tricky.

A good start is knowing where the affected leaves are- on the top or bottom? If bottom leaves are affected, chances are you have a deficiency of a mobile nutrient like N, P, or K. If the top leaves are affected, you're more likely dealing with an immobile nutrient deficiency, and may need to boost trace elements to your nutrient mix.

Of course those remedies won't help your plant if there is something wrong with the root system. Good luck :leaf:


Its hard to diagnose without pictures, even with pictures its sometimes tricky.

A good start is knowing where the affected leaves are- on the top or bottom? If bottom leaves are affected, chances are you have a deficiency of a mobile nutrient like N, P, or K. If the top leaves are affected, you're more likely dealing with an immobile nutrient deficiency, and may need to boost trace elements to your nutrient mix.

Of course those remedies won't help your plant if there is something wrong with the root system. Good luck :leaf:
bottom and middle are effected most and i recently spread a little bone meal over the soil


Active Member
check this out /
that doesn't have shit to do with this thread.

Reb, thats looking pretty serious. I don't know what to give you other than a bumped thread. I personally would try adding a little CalMag to my next watering and would lay off the foliar feeding.

Good luck, I hope someone wise comes along to help you out.