He was stopped for "following too close"....w/out of state tags
ding ding ding. tell your friend im very sorry he had such a horrible experience with Nebraska. tell him not to give up. fight till the end. bullshit charge we are notoriously famous for. if a local lawyer is needed here let me know if i can help in any way. he wont get money back regardless but he may get it thrown out. at least pled down. i stretched an assault charge 6 months to get it down to a misdemeanor. continue as many times as possible. dog find the cash or did he consent? never consent....
Kansas is *almost* as bad as Oklahoma, but the recent flurry of earthquakes puts OK over the top. (Fracking is dumb for a variety of reasons.)
I hate to say it, but deer and pheasant hunting is outstanding in Kansas.
If you can deal with the rednecks...
Hard to find decent pheasant hunting around here anymore. Yeah fracking is bad. our governor lines his pockets with big oil, big pharma and hates marajuana. think my state sucks? try waking up in it everyday.