Nearly 4 weeks 12/12 and no buds

The title says it all... I've had my plants on 12/12 since the 27th of last month and they have stretched to over 5-6feet tall and I am still having trouble sexing them. I checked for light leaks 2 weeks ago and their was a slight light leak which I fixed but other than that I haven't had any problems. As a matter of fact i've had trouble even sexing them (however, that could be due to the fact that i'm not experienced in sexing given that its my first time growing). Is this normal? If pictures would be helpful I can post them.

Thank You

Pictures will definately help. If your plants are 6 feet tall with no preflowers yet I would say it is a pure sativa strain. It is normal in some cases but it also means the plant will have a very long finish time (10-14 weeks).
Pictures will definately help. If your plants are 6 feet tall with no preflowers yet I would say it is a pure sativa strain. It is normal in some cases but it also means the plant will have a very long finish time (10-14 weeks).

Working on pics right now.
Pictures will definately help. If your plants are 6 feet tall with no preflowers yet I would say it is a pure sativa strain. It is normal in some cases but it also means the plant will have a very long finish time (10-14 weeks).

What he said is right on the money.
I can tell you without a doubt that there are absolutely zero light leaks as of now and it has been that way for at least 2+ weeks.
You sure the timer is actually functioning correctly? You could try to extend the dark period a bit, anyways. Have it go on at 4:30 am and turn off at 4 pm.
It's hard to tell from the pics but #1 is unknown, 3 and 4 appear to be females and #2 is iffy I would say male. Wait a few more days it looks like they are starting to show their preflowers. You might want to consider topping/training them as soon as possible, you don't want to end up with 10ft monsters on your hands! Well, maybe you do.
If your plants arent responding normally then keep reducing. Drop it down more than 12/12. Try start doing 10/14 or 9/15 or just decreasing closer to harvest. Make them react to the light cycle.