Nearing Week 6, How She Look

TJ baba

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I'm using 500w cfl arrangement for 5x2 feet area. This is my first grow. How does my white widow plant look for 4 weeks veg and 5.5 weeks in flower? Any tips are appreciated. Thanks 20160109_150304.jpg 20160109_150251.jpg 20160109_150515.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think you said you have an HPS on the way. That should be an improvement. She seems a little hungry or N deficient. But, not sure if inadequate light might be the problem. I think you said you didn't have your CFLs in reflectors. That's a big loss of light (for an already challenged source of light). I bet an HPS will be an improvement.

TJ baba

Well-Known Member
Yep you are right my cfls aren't in reflectors and yes I have a 600w hps on the way so I hope I don't have heat issues. It is an open reflector hps. But it is dimmable down to 250w so that might help my chances


Well-Known Member
OP, White Widow is a finicky eater. Kinda like a cat. Can be very nute-sensitive.

I've never grow it or any of the similarly finicky "White" strains (White Russian, others). But you might want to research your nutes in relation to White Widow in particular.

TJ baba

Well-Known Member
@ZaraBeth420 you are definitely right about that. I used floragro for veg and it got too much, then I used straight 6.3 pH water and it needed a little more nutes after that so I will definitely look into that, but I'm not sure if the info I get will apply to my white widow. I have read that not all breeders white widows are the same. Mine came from cannabisseeds dot com.