Nearing the End


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we all will agree that some buds will ripen before others. My question is, since in my research it tells a guy to "flush" the last couple weeks before harvest, how is this going to correlate with all the buds? I guess I'll have to start trimming some before the big flush, durring the big flush and then what's left of the plant at the end,...right? Is this how it goes?


Well-Known Member
depends on what u got, one to three weeks ive heard for flushing or even 3 days if u have a flushing solution, but i wouldnt clip any leaves unless some tops are being blocked it stresses the plant the more u take off


what u wana do is have a flushing addative like final phase or clearex, or even mollases for soil,that way ur plant is still getting carbs without those nasty chemicals

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
I keep Sucanat in my water when Im flushing. It is a raw unrefined form of dried cane juice. It give the plants enough energy to keep growing, but doesn't add chemicals. I flush for 5 days then snap a fan leaf off, and inspect/taste the sap that drips out. If the sap is bitter in taste more flushing is needed, if its clear, and tastes (or lacks taste) like water then I do one last 2 stage flush, let the lights go off like usual then harvest after 12hours or some of dark (depending on when I get up lol).


Well-Known Member
What is a "two stage flush"? If buds mature faster than others (which they will do), I'll just start harvesting them when they're ready right?