Near Harvest Pruning Question


Hey guys,

First time grower here getting near harvest time. I had a question. I see all of these smaller flowers on lower branches and other places. Should they be cut off? I don't really know/understand how nutrient redirection works. I want to maximize my yield/potency, so any suggestions would be nice. I uploaded a pic of the lower flowers I am talking about.

Thanks for the help!



Well-Known Member
I would personally leave them on as they will bud, however it already looks as though you have been snipping branches away


We cut off branches with only dead leaves on them as we went along. Should we continue you do that, but leave any with flowers?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
In future grows, you want to pinch those off as soon as they start. That way more energy will be directed end toward the colas
this is what i do. from the top of my medium, to a good 8-12" up, i clear cut everything. i don't like messing with a lot of pop-corn buds. i still get some, but i use those for hash.