near harvest - found a web covering a bud - HELP !!


Whoa, my crop could be screwed if I don't figure out what's up.

This morning I found one plant (of eight) that had a small bud with a spiderweb covering it, and a little bit of web covering an adjoining bud. I cut the nug covered w the spider web.

I sprayed a bit of neem oil on and around the bud still on plant that has a little web on it, and cut the bud that was covered w the web.

Any ideas what it is ? i.e. kind of spider?

Any idea of best way to treat this plant?

And ideas of what I should do to her sisters surrounding her?

It's a Royal Thai and she (and half the sisters) is around 60 days into flower. She's in supersoil under a 600 hps cooled lamp.

The small paper clip marks where I cut the bud and the nug that has a bit of web on it.



Well-Known Member
" gotta bring that body back, dead or alive, before you get any reward..."


So, no neem oil, but maybe mighty wash and prayer? Decontam the room 'fore next grow?

Sorry, my Cryptic's a bit rusty.


Well-Known Member
You have spider mites. How far are you from harvest? I would not use neem this far into flower. Mighty wash is safe to use up until harvest but be very careful not to spray the buds if possible (for mold and mildew reasons). If you can isolate the effected plant that would be best but at least make sure she isn't touching any other plants. Bleach the floor and under the pots and maybe get some tangle foot or use duct tape around the pot to stop them from migrating.

I also just discovered that my mites came back on one plant about 7-10 days from harvest (after 50 days with no sign of them). I just cut the buds/leaves off that were the worst and am letting them go until harvest with no treatment as mites life cycle is about 8 days and they won't have a chance to reproduce too much over that time.

These bastards can hibernate for up to 60 days when the temps drop. When you apply treatments some of them will escape into cracks and crevices and reappear when conditions are right for them. Very hard to eradicate. I am planning on bleaching my grow room after harvest, using some pyrethrin bombs, and investing in some forbid 4f and floramite. You can buy it off ebay in 1 oz bottles so you don't have to drop hundreds on larger quantities.