Ne idea what the problem is?


This is a leaf from one of 3 of my clones. 2 out the 3 which are from the same plant are doing this. they are not close to the light at all bout 18 inches or so as well as not in direct light. they starting doing this when I put them into flower, i thought it would go away but has been going on for about a week and a half now im startin to get worried. Please help if its bad.



Active Member
looks like classic over watering... edges curl down, too much water. edges up, not enough. usually...


So you thinkin just let them dry for a while or what?the top soil is pretty dry but i'll just wait to water til they will this time that way i kno they aren't too wet when I water. i can't repot them now b/c they are already in their final home so I'll just be patient on the watering. thx for your input if you got any ideas let me kno man thx.


Well-Known Member
Your bigger fan leaves will do that as the plant ages. They'll get a little droopy, turn yellow, then brown, then fall off. The rest of your plant looks healthy and if you were screwing up something, it would affect the entire plant.


It might be okay it doesn't seem all fucked up its just the upper leaves but it seems like its continuing to happen, even when new leaves come in after their out for a little bit like a day or two after actually coming out they start to curl in. I'm just gonna let them relaxing until they actually start to curl or look worse. Its stressful but im sure they will be alright sooner or later. at least i hope. thanks for your input i'll let you know if they go to shit.


As already mentioned, what is the size of your pot, what medium, and how often are you watering?

The pots I am using are 3 gallon buckets with 4 drain holes in the bottom, i am using MG organic soil mixed some straight bag dirt with no nutrients added. I water when I can stick my middle finger in all the way up to the start of my palm and if i dont water then i water when the fan leaves start to droop a little but they haven't drooped yet.