Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow


New Member
Yeah supercropping your plants will cause them to take up more water and nutes trying to fix themselves.


Well-Known Member
so these have been on 12/12 for a week now and there's definitely nice bud formation for only a week. clones are two weeks in and will probably go another two before I start put them under the hps to flower.

check out the rice crispies I made too :weed: pretty fucking dank I must say. I had about an oz and a half of good shake and also added about a gram and a half of scissor hash. I told my gf to only eat half of one and when I hopped in the shower, she decided she wanted to be the man and eat another half. Lol well she soon realized why I told her to only eat half on one. pretty funny how high she got and I couldnt help but laugh at her. she wasnt too happy with me the next morning haha :-D


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Lol nice. Last year I made some banana bread with 50 grams of my bud. I gave a warning to all who ate it. Of course everyone had to be a hero, needless to say they all had to miss work the next day including me. It's quite strange waking up all fucked up. It actually impared my vision too.

The grow is comming along quite nice B. Can''t wait to see the outcome.


Well-Known Member
haha oh mang how could i forget ur bombass luckycharm treats! i eat that shit lal the time and still havent made any treats lol


Well-Known Member
oh good an update! :) .... you and I are at about the same spot in flowering, and have very similar designs lol..... looking good bro, real good, +rep


Well-Known Member
Lol nice. Last year I made some banana bread with 50 grams of my bud. I gave a warning to all who ate it. Of course everyone had to be a hero, needless to say they all had to miss work the next day including me. It's quite strange waking up all fucked up. It actually impared my vision too.

The grow is comming along quite nice B. Can''t wait to see the outcome.
haha yea I warned her but she was just such a tough guy and had to eat more. I know what you mean though, waking up and still feelin that deep body high and fatigue from edibles. if I eat one rice cripsy treat I'm feelin pretty good. vision gets a little blurry and I really get lazy and a little forgetful haha. definitely understand why edibles are more medicinal than smoking. love it. a completely different high but still so relaxing


Well-Known Member
ya its a trip. i passed out when i had a whole brownie and two beers on lunch. my buddy had to come pik me up from work haha goodtimes


Well-Known Member
haha oh mang how could i forget ur bombass luckycharm treats! i eat that shit lal the time and still havent made any treats lol
lucky charm treats?? daamn, that sounds tasty. I've had fruity rock pebble treats from the club and those were pretty damn good too :weed:
that little bit of hash is what really gets me I think tho. i've never had hash edibles before and it feels a little different. in a good way though haha :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
oh good an update! :) .... you and I are at about the same spot in flowering, and have very similar designs lol..... looking good bro, real good, +rep
thanks man :mrgreen: I'm pretty happy with the setup. how far along are you in flower so far? I'm a little over a week and really have no idea how long either of these strains will go for. should be a decent amount of bud off each plant to give me a ballpark idea of what I should expect from these strains. I've heard good things but still not sure with these exact clones


Well-Known Member
yields will be moderate off the GDP, but it will be "good clean crisp smoke"....... SSH should surpass the GDP in yield by 1/3, and should also be very very danky :)......... 8-9 weeks flower on GDP, and longer on the SSH


Well-Known Member
still debating if I should top or fim...and when to do so. I think I'll fim them at the end of this week. I just like lots of big tops :eyesmoke:

a little off topic but anyone listen to Flying Lotus?


Well-Known Member
id FIM for sure. heard diff time frames when to do it but usually at least before theyre a foot tall. but u can do it anytime theoritically


Well-Known Member
no I meant I hadn't listened to flying lotus in a while....

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