NBC: Obama's presidency is over


Well-Known Member
if you can't turn nothing into a scandal, turn a coincidence into a scandal!

whatever it takes to distract from the fact that the GOP is devoid of a single good idea that americans are in favor of.
A coincidence? Bwahahahahahaha, how's that Kool-Aid tasting, or are you drinking Vodka straight out of the bottle?


Well-Known Member
LMFAO....the IRS doesn't lose ANYTHING unless it benefits them and the people to whom they have to answer. Seriously, you're not even stupid enough to believe this ruse.
you're right, i'm not stupid enough to fall for this manufactured, made-up, invented non-scandal.

but you are.


Well-Known Member
you're right, i'm not stupid enough to fall for this manufactured, made-up, invented non-scandal.

but you are.
I'm with you man, it's probably a manufactured scandal to further the neo-confederate racist agenda like the made up term soft sciences.


Well-Known Member
lol, you're butthurt.

i like seeing racists get bent out of shape.
butthurt over you? I don't spend hours going through thousands of posts so I can lift you into infamy with sig lines taken out of contest. Admit it dude, I'm in your head.

Do you think about me when you are not posting? Do you lay awake thinking how you can try to convince others that I'm racist?


Well-Known Member
butthurt over you? I don't spend hours going through thousands of posts so I can lift you into infamy with sig lines taken out of contest. Admit it dude, I'm in your head.

Do you think about me when you are not posting? Do you lay awake thinking how you can try to convince others that I'm racist?
yeah, you're in my head alright.

i don't need to convince anyone you're a racist, you've done a fine job of that.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you're in my head alright.

i don't need to convince anyone you're a racist, you've done a fine job of that.
This is the cool thing about actually having a productive life. I've helped thousands of people in my life and it's a mixed bag of races with the majority being black. Nobody in my life would call me a racist, in fact, It's just the opposite.

The fact that some dude who's whole entire life is a pot forum thinks I'm racist barely registers on my give a fuck meter.

You are the one that hates Kenyans. I'm pretty neutral about where people come from and judge them on character. You should try it you sad little biggotybuck.


Well-Known Member
This is the cool thing about actually having a productive life. I've helped thousands of people in my life and it's a mixed bag of races with the majority being black. Nobody in my life would call me a racist, in fact, It's just the opposite.

The fact that some dude who's whole entire life is a pot forum thinks I'm racist barely registers on my give a fuck meter.

You are the one that hates Kenyans. I'm pretty neutral about where people come from and judge them on character. You should try it you sad little biggotybuck.
i'm pretty sure they'd call you a racist f they saw what you write on here.


Well-Known Member
If they were as stupid and angry about looking like an idiot as your are they just may. Doubt it though, you are pretty unique in your idiocy.
i'm sensing another rage quit from you today.

it'll have to wait though, i gotta mow the lawn.


Well-Known Member
i'm sensing another rage quit from you today.

it'll have to wait though, i gotta mow the lawn.
Your spideysenses are off a bit Marie. If I'm away from here for a time it has to do with a life outside of here, you wouldn't understand.

You are really so arrogant as to think I've had a rage quit over you? wow, you have a sickness dude.