Nature is Hardcore....30 Hornets kill 30,000 and feed the babies to their own


RIU Bulldog
I was just junking around the internet and came across this disgusting display of power by nature. Truly an awesome and brutal massacre. Scientists are wondering why all the bees are dying, I wonder if this has anything to do with it.

[video=youtube;6fTrSOFyfxs] [/video]

Behold the hornets systematically seize them with huge, wicked jaws and literally fucking cut them apart, one by one by one by fucking one. In three hours, there are piles of limbs and heads and just fucking bits of things that could possibly have been alive at one point, and the hornets have stormed the hive and flown away with all the bee's children. Who will then be eaten.


Well-Known Member
Damn that's crazy. I declare this a Strange nature thread, if it's cool with op.
Have you guys heard of those zombie mushrooms? (short summary, you should check them out) They infect ants and grow out of the top of there head, they take over the mind of the ant and makes it leave his little troop of ants to go bite the underside of a leaf and then dies then the mushroom infects other ants.


RIU Bulldog
Damn that's crazy. I declare this a Strange nature thread, if it's cool with op.
Have you guys heard of those zombie mushrooms? (short summary, you should check them out) They infect ants and grow out of the top of there head, they take over the mind of the ant and makes it leave his little troop of ants to go bite the underside of a leaf and then dies then the mushroom infects other ants.
I've never heard of the zombie mushroom, that's pretty incredible. The ingenuity of nature is truly astounding sometimes. What a species will do to eat or carry on it's genes makes me wonder sometimes if they really are 'aware'.


Active Member
nature is awesome! if you havent seen it watch this ive seen hundreds of nature shows and nothing comes close to this


Active Member
nature is awesome! if you havent seen it watch this ive seen hundreds of nature shows and nothing comes close to this

That video never gets old, thanks for sharing. Hard to believe the calf manages to be alive after being pulled via tug of war between crock and lions.


Active Member
its friggin awesome ive never seen animals in the wild come back to save a calf who has been caught by predators. not only come back but come with backup. and chase the predators away. i love this vid

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Giant Asian Hornets are some of the biggest and most deadly in the world. Their venom does horrible things to human flesh. The native bees of Japan have a ingenious defense against the Giant Asian Hornets by smothering them with their bodies forming a ball. Then they raise their core temperature and CO2 above the Hornets' tolerance level and they perish.

They introduced European honey bees into Asia which have no natural defense against the Hornets. They invade the bee hive and slaughter the entire colony.


Active Member
Giant Asian Hornets are some of the biggest and most deadly in the world. Their venom does horrible things to human flesh. The native bees of Japan have a ingenious defense against the Giant Asian Hornets by smothering them with their bodies forming a ball. Then they raise their core temperature and CO2 above the Hornets' tolerance level and they perish.

They introduced European honey bees into Asia which have no natural defense against the Hornets. They invade the bee hive and slaughter the entire colony.
ive seen them [not in person] but ive seen documentaries on them they hornets send out a scout to find the bee hive, but befoe it can scent mark it telling its location the bees cover him and vibrate simultaneously heating its body up until it roasts from the inside. tha is pretty awesome. DAMN NATURE YOU SCAREY!


Well-Known Member
the problem with the bees is that they disappear. nobody knows where they go. they dont find body parts, otherwise they would know what is happening