Well-Known Member
I have decided my time would be best spent living the life I was created to live, I believe I have been chosen to become truly free and set forth to prosper and multiply, I am about to embark on a great journey and leave the expectations imposed by society behind, it is time to be free, why would I need to think of things that are a creation of man? Time, money, words all of this is a unnecessary restriction to my being and potential. I shall only use that which is provided by the creator that which is bestowed upon me, I plan on taking nothing of this world only myself and I will migrate with the seasons to follow what food and weather abounds to best increase my chances of success, I believe that after several years of this sasquatch may gain a level of respect for me and my survival skills and accept me and I might be able to find a mate, I believe sasquatch might see the benefit of breeding with me and the positive traits I could pass along to our offspring, I think the influx of new genetics could help there species and even if I don't ever fing a sasquatch mate I will be free of requirements and expectations and standards held so high by society, I will be able travel in my natural state without clothes I will not need money and I will be able to go to the bathroom when the urge strikes me.I plan on shunning all those who embrace technology and modern convieniences I plan on remaining one with nature and going unseen at all times I will avoid hunters and hikers and will rely on my pshycic abilities to guide my. I will you all well with your self imposed hell, I am setting forth into the real world
Beardo the wild man.
Beardo the wild man.