Lets get up to date a bit. I see someone posted some ignorant shit earlier.
There may not be fully fluent language speakers here on RIU, and there may not be many fluent language speakers across the country given ratio to the total Native populace. Which is approx. 1.25% of the population in the U.S. That does not mean that there are not those educating themselves right now. Learning everyday. Also not being fluent does not mean a person is separated completely from their culture. Until the Native American Language Act of 1990 the U.S. gov't had an official policy of eradication of Native Languages. Hard to get BIA funding for language classes this way, for one. (The BIA is a whole other topic, but thats how things work now). There are also places like the Akwesasne Freedom School that have been teaching young Native children their own ways and languages since 1979. Many federally recognized Native Nations have language classes. There are even iphone apps available. Young people have become fluent in the 21 century, they are most likely not here posting but performing direct action measures to give their people a voice.
There is a drug problem with Native youth, I agree. Majority? I think not. Generational trauma is a very real thing and there are those that are working hard to reach out to the youth to remind them of worth. To give them inspiration. There is also a suicide epidemic in Indian Country. The second lowest life expectancy in the western hemisphere is on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. A disgrace for America in it's own borders that no one wants to talk about.
There are also many positive things happening. In Canada the new Prime Minister has called for an investigation into the missing and murdered indigenous woman that have plagued Canada for a long time. There are young people earning their traditional names through time honored ceremonies. Things kept hidden and passed on even though genocide was policy many times used against First Nations peoples. "Official" Anon has made a map of Turtle Islands MMIW. Anon is an ally of first Nations people. If a person is going to rep Anon in name and avi they should know what side Legion is on. Or else they are just a faction or Wasi'chu.