• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Native American churches in New Mexico (peyote)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Well i had this roomates one was a foe finish master he sang song at pubs and it was country and song like that song i forgot the name brandon of the song ow JOWANA DONT WORRIE BECAUSE THIS GITAR WILL PAY SOMETHING A MILION MILES AWAY song like that!!!!!! girls loved him he kinda reminded me of a gay guy but he wasnt and joel a short squirl looking roofer that love to drink.. both white and me we smoked bud ate mushrooms and well worked the construction was booming the only one getting laid was brandon.. and me and joel always parting after work and brandon on his gitar, one day the phone rang.....???? loud for some reson i could hear it extra loud..
I think about a month went buy and brandon as usual answered the phone lolz he was the pussy machine, YO HERSH thats my nick name out thier lolz its for you some girl name monica, and i had a look of shock, i was use to one night stands at the bars nothing special nothing steady but i was in shock like who?? i thought back and rememberd OWWW SHIT i grabed the phone joel looked at me like WHAT???? HI whats up...... its was on a date... owwww shit lolz im laughing right now..... smiling actualy.... so i met with her at the square its a square with the court house in the middle its an old town it realy is pritty lot of cowboys lolz for realz and thats were i lerned to love country ya my friends think im crazzy.. anyways so we talk about everything and she was hot again we ate at a resteraunt at the square, she told me she was indian NATIVE AMERICAN i was shocked... she asked me what i was i told her mexican she kept eating didnt say anything about it, i kinda look white to some people they get shocked when i tell them im mexican.. anyways we keep going out and having fun she left her home town of new mexico because of an abusive boyfriend well, we end up at my place my roomates were gone at the pub and well you know what happend next lolz ow ya it was bomb lolz just kidding shit i hope my girl dont read this hahahahahaa... anyways she told her dad that she was hanging out with a mexican boy and he was upset he kicked her out she came to my place to tell me that she had to go back to new mexico..


Well-Known Member
We picked some in Mexico south south of Laredo, TX...16 years ago. Tastes like bile, bitter, sour, fucking like puke on an empty stomach, then drink it...We tried to chew on a few buttons along the road trip but finally relented until we could juice it. Rented a cabin on the water, which had a blender, so we made it into liquid, then put it on a really low heat on the stove, nowhere near boiling, just to evaporate off as much water as we could for several hours. We laid out a big mound of flour on the table and flattened it, then took this nasty tar and plopped it onto the flour, covered it in flour and rolled it into long strips. We each had a big green turd pile and a glass of orange juice and just took a sip, ate a blob and took another sip to wash it down.

Didn't kick in for several hours. I'd love to do it again. I looked around east of Laredo TX on another road trip but there were so many fucking border patrol everywhere I couldn't find shit. My uncle said back in the day they filled a truck and had to hire people to help juice it, near Laredo.
Old ass slide film scanned and the color is off: peyote2.jpg


thump easy

Well-Known Member
I was sad why is he so prejadise against me he dont even know me? Thats to funny an idian prejadise angainst another indian thats fucken funny, anyways so it went back that these males dont like mexicans they usto war back ages ago. The father was a vet fought in a few wars and so was the hole family very proud of fighting in wars all i seen was placks everywere... im gona cut to the chase i flew out every month or few weeks for a year and i finally got her to movin in with me.. THE Father wasnt too happy... anyways so i was invited to a swet with the medicine man and three white guys whiter than santa clause???? AND so we finaly meet!!! hi how you doing? i didnt know at the time but he had been incharge of the stone thier is suppose to be 19 oww man im laughing sorry.. ill finish later my girls home


Well-Known Member
Strychnine does not come from cacti. It comes from plants of the Strychnos genus. Yes it is derived from tryptamine but the relation to psychedelics end there.
And strychnine most certainly doesn't make you vomit. You die before that happens.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay ima rap it up so they wisper in each others ears but i can berly hear them, they are trying to break me with 29 red hot stones the medicine man as ironic as it sounds was a biker who was a syk doc for the v.a. hospital and road an idian bike man this shit sound made up any ways know that i tell the story well so i have to pray the medicine man being nutral he grew up in La Pente California we had some connection being from the same part of L.A. california i could feel him in his nutral way i was thinking man fuck these guys so he tells me to pray to my god i get goose bumps as i write this for it is the same god we are praying too.... he tells me to offer something to father god on a lil mountain dirt hill about a half foot high and one foot long, you have to bow before the offering and tie a whishing string from the hut it was a round dome i didnt have a wishing string so i just observed these old friends of war all old some fat some round and some with white hair. we sat in the hut and the stones began to come in with stanly my ex father in law red hot two sticks kinda like sling shot looking the ends like a letter Y

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow shit this was so long about about 17 years ago i remember these kids about my age so stanly invited me and the white cats or older white men brought someone two but one kid was heavy thick not fat just big boned and another was skinny... ow shit i remember a lil more so we begin to pray the stones were gleaming hot i could make out faces my father in law at the opening in the middle of the desert small critters crawling on the sand under me stink bugs im shure just couldnt make them out, the thick kid nest to me kept wispering have you done this?? and just started to swet uncontrolabley i was like shit man this shit is getting a lil hot before i new it they were singing in indian with a tambering and machackas the medicin man poured water on the rocks all i could hear is the sizzle and the rocks kept coming in ow shit one round went buy hair are standing as i write this, and the kid kept telling me i cant take it man i cant take it. So the hut door opens about three feet high and two and a half feet wide i feel the desert cold air come in like a refreshment awwww man i was sweting and it hurt me to move it was that hot the stones were added and some sage was passed a featherd somthing and then and chants and prayers i could make out everyone the elders against the wall of the hut man i was thinking this shit aint no sana what the fuck did i get myself into????

thump easy

Well-Known Member
the water was pour again on the stones and chants and indian talk fuck me its dark the red hot rocks i see these faces and this pipe gets passes around i take a toke and bam i start to see myself leaving into a dark place fuck i cant breath why is this happening the chants and singing got louder i can hear the thick kids YELL I CANT I CANT HE GET UP I HEAR THE SAND WISP AND THE JOINTS IN HIS LEGS CRACK AND THE RUSLE OF A STRUGLE TO GET OUT FOR AIR THE DOOR BURST OPEN AND HE'S YELLING I CAN T I CANT.... FUCK ME MAN I CANT MOVE IT BURNS TO MAKE MOVEMENT ITS THAT FUCKEN HOT I CANT BREATH I BEARLY TAKE IN AIR SLOWLY BECAUSE IT BURNS TO BREATH.. FUCK ME MAN I CANT MOVE IT BURNS TO MAKE MOVEMENT ITS THAT FUCKEN HOT I CANT BREATH I BEARLY TAKE IN AIR SLOWLY BECAUSE IT BURNS TO BREATH. I cant move to much i fell my scalp full of swet my entire body is swetting fuck i want to quit but i cant i cant be a cawerd fuck man what do i do???? swet just keeps droping from my face i curl up into a ball and cover my face with my knees... still sitting thow i telling my self you can do it fuck man its only four rounds you can do it..man was i so mistaken i thought we were gona swet kick back and smoke some dope i didnt think i was gona be fighting with my self to sit it through all the worries in the world didnt mater nothing materd it was just me the indians and the stones, fuck the other kids still hanging in thier i cant i cant stop i have to take it i aint no bitch i aint no bitch... the kids relitive speeks out before the door closes and ses something like kinny wont be with us the rest of the way and he goes out..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Ohhh my god!!!! man my old ladie is tripping on me ill finish the storry later this is were it gets sycodelic on me sorry guys ill post later..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
sorry big dog, were was i ??? ow so the other kid i think he was about 16 or 17 he got out after the second round so thier i was fighting the feeling of thirst it just dawned on me that i was thirsty after taken a hit of this artifact looking pipe ima cut it short i was literly propelled into a state of mined even thow the chanting was going down i seem to disapeer and i herd the slender older man wisper to me HEY ITS ALOT LESS HOT NEAR THE GROUND so i slumped down on my side i didnt care that thier were bugs slowly cralling near my face i could only see the red rock glow and the figures threw the steam with a dark red reflection i found myself again talking to something or someone without even talking this was my second time talking to this person yet it was dark the light of the rocks was far and what seem to be english from indian diolect i was able to hear we are hear gatherd today to give father time his respect we are one with the earth and he breaks us down to a simple yearn for water it is water the sole element that we need no problem no sickness is erelevent other than the gift of water man about that time all i would say to this one beeing he could hear me without talking all i could say is please god take me because im not leaveing this hut untill they are done if you need to take me take me... and before i knew it, it was over i crawled out of thier because you have to crawl in the hut as i stood i felt so light like a feather i looked into the sky the stars seemed to move i was light headed and they passed the water i could see the swet hit this wooden cup and mix with the water i didnt care.. wow i got home and told the women at the time what the fuck electrolights thats what you were talking about? wow man intense the nest day all my problems seem to be so insignificant i could actualy see them from another angle it was a trip man that all i can say i did it a few times after that but you get use to it.. that for shure it feels good though thats funny im writing this she just wrote me after a long time a few years i could say and it was shocking to me to see my email labled with her name.. :) i recomend it wasnt as rasist as i thought. lolz true story hope you liked it hope you try it at least once on your life list..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Oh God.. where do I even begin. First of all, they're not "medicine men". No one calls them medicine men except the ignorant. They are called Road Men or Holy Men depending on the area. NA Church is for Native Americans. It's a blend of native and christian beliefs. The "meetings" last from dusk until dawn with singing, prayer, ritual cleansing and the peyote "sacrament" usually in the form of a tea. I've only smoked it a time or two during a NA wedding. Only Natives can participate in the ceremony unless you are invited by the NA members. There are only five states that protect non-native peyote use and New Mexico is one of them. That doesn't mean you can just walk into a church and ask for a smoke session. It is very sacred and very important to their culture and faith. In other words, it's not to be taken lightly.

I love the sound of the peyote water drum.



Well-Known Member

Good stuff carne, ya know being from an east coast tribe i cannot find any elder to discuss this topic almost like cannabis for us Mi'kmaq's is okay but they liken (maybe they mean misuse) anyone other than a holyman or a tribe memeber being helped with alcohol was to be very cautious in even mentioning this in our circle's. I wish i had a stronger idea of the medicine's available to my ancestors along the new foundland coast. I will not lie i have craved spiritual awakening/enlightenment but i have to realize that there's a way to do things and there's a way to NOT do things. thankyou op for starting this thread it hits home for me. thankyou carne for your input because i value your insight!medicinewheel.jpg


Extract your own DMT. It REALLY IS as simple as everybody says. If you can bake a cake FOLLOWING directions, you will be able to extract DMT from Mimosa Hostilis root bark. The hard part now is finding a vendor for MHRB, but they are still there, just higher prices since SS got busted. The only part that is a little bit confusing is the hot water bath part. If you have a slow cooker/rice cooker, you can use that. You can also just use two bowls, with the bottom one filled with boiling water. It only needs to be WARM not HOT. And only for 5-10 minutes. Here is a link to a good food-safe tek by q21q21 over at the Nexus. http://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Q21Q21's_Vinegar/Lime_A/B_Extraction_Tek You will want to do "Tek 2: The Fluffy White Funfest". It will be using naptha, pickling lime, and 5% vinegar. All of this can be purchased locally or at Amazon. If you are in the US, go for VM&P Naptha and Mrs. Wages pickling lime, then any 5% vinegar will work. If you are in another country, the tek has listed some different brands to look for in Canada, etc. Good luck! And go with the DMT! You will not be let down.