national guard - I need money

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I don't qualify for financial aid because my father makes too much. but it isn't a lot when you have three kids going to college, you know? my dad also told me I didn't qualify for a subsidized loan because he makes too much according to the government or something. I don't understand how you can't qualify for a loan, there has to be a loan I can take out for sure. I don't know anything about loans because I didn't have to take any out this semester and never educated myself in that matter.

I'm only concerned with one semester of school being paid for so after thinking about it I've decided that joining a branch of the military isn't worth it for what I want.
You can take out a stafford loan--that's on you not your parents. You start making payments after you graduate and it has super low interest like 2.25% for mine. I'd say you can get a better interest rate now.


Well-Known Member
could I pay that loan off right after the semester is over so that it doesn't all of the interest that it would over the course of my academic pursuit?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
could I pay that loan off right after the semester is over so that it doesn't all of the interest that it would over the course of my academic pursuit?

When I was in school the stock market was going crazy so I took out loans and invested the money--made more money. I still haven't paid off the loans because I make more with the money than it's costing me.

You can pay off the loans at anytime though.