Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys -

Thought I would spice things up and post a video today of how things are going:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video. That's a great look at the leaf and stalk health. Overall, they look good. Great internodal spacing. They are a little droopy and I see a little bit of what I call "soft leaf" damage in the opening frames of the vid. The leaf gets a lot like wet paper betweenn the outer veins. With a constant spray or dwc system it happens a lot. Generally caused by a little bit of root rot. How do the roots look? You using h202? Apologies if i asked you that already. I'll go back and look. lol


Well-Known Member
hey man

thanks for checking it out. I havent noticed root rot, but ill make sure to look closer. What exactly am I looking for? how is it caused? Will H202 added after the onset of root rot fix the issue, or just keep it from getting worse?



Well-Known Member
H2O2 will cure it right away as long as you get it early and it looks really early from the leafs that i saw. The color on the roots should be white to off-white but the best indication of too many pathogens in the res is the odor. How does it smell? If it has a sour smell you've got some rot issues. Like I mentioned above, it's very common in dwc and constant spray systems that don't have adequate pathogen controls.


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks, Ill grab some H202 today. Can I use drug store brand h202 or should I be looking for a special mix from my local hydro store?


Well-Known Member
The drug store stuff is only 2% so you need to use 10X as much causing issues with some of the buffers they use. Get the 35% from the hydro store and add it at a rate of 8ml/gallon of rez every 3-4 days. No more pathogen issues.


Well-Known Member
Overall things are going well. Since I started flowering my ladies are drinking an extra 50% of Water every day. They're drinking 3 Litres/night now (just under 1 Gallon).

They're growing well too - they're starting to bend a little around the tops, so Im thinking I will need sticks soon to hold them straight. I've found my PH rising to 6.5-6.9 quite often lately. I'll ajust it in the morning, and by the following morning it will have jumped .5 of a PH. I have lots of PH down liq, so its no biggy.

I lifted my hydro pots and checked all of my plants roots individually. They're all BRIGHT white with no smells or signs of root rot. Im starting to think that my "papery leaves" are caused by PH fluctuations earlier in my grow (new growth looks great)!

A few weeks ago I changed from the regular GH nute scehdule to the LUCAS FORMULA --> :hump:

I've also added 1.5ml/L of Nutri-Thrive vitamin. I havent noticed any changed, but I've read great things about it...cant hurt.

Is there anything else I should be doing at this point of flowering? Things are going well...but I've noticed my Sativa's aren't exactly what I've expected. They have the typical thin leaves, but they are growing much slower then the LA Woman, White Widow and Himalayan Gold. They havent started to develop that typical Long skinny top that I keep jerking,...I mean seeing in pictures...haha

Thanks for following fellas :leaf:


Well-Known Member
careful I order sum seeds they turned hemi on me I did 64 plants 4 1000 watt lights all turned hermi on me
Did you keep a consistant light schedule? Ever turn the lights on or have light inside your grow room during the "off" time?

Im doing everything I can to make sure I dont get herm's...I've even duct taped tiny pin hole light leaks in my tent (even tho the bedroom its in never has lights on anyways).

Im paranoid about everything lol:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
New Video Update:

Added Ladybugs because I saw a few leaves with holes in them...

We're in day 10ish of flowering...things looking okay?



Well-Known Member
They are looking pretty good, nasty. I see some very slight leaf claw in places from just a bit too much nute but its not bad enough that I would make any changes. Steady as she goes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fellas

Worm: The Rainforrest has its pros and cons thats for sure. Its a great unit for what it is...but I wouldnt rec using it to grow full sized plants. I'm early in flower and already I've noticed SERIOUS crowding. Its a great unit for small plants or clones...but only allows about 8 inches of horizonal space between grow sites. I bought a 4x4x8 tent and for my next grow i'll be switching to a unit that makes better use of my space! (oh, n' thanks for the + rep, ill hit you back my friend!)

Doogleef: thanks man, my girls have def benifited from your help so far! Would you suggest adding a gallon or two of fresh water to dilute my nute mixture (13 gallon res). Im running the Lucas Forumla and just added 0-8-16 after a full res change 3 days ago.

Thanks guys! :)


Well-Known Member
Keep the water volume at 13 gallons or whatever it was to start with. Just add back water till full. Keep track of how much you addback add when you have put back the volume of water you started with, its time to dump. This usually takes about 2 weeks. If you start to see any yellowing in the next several weeks don't be afraid of a bit more Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks

Yo - how long into flowering do plants typically begin to smell? I'm sure it depends on strain and other factors, but given what you've seen in this I have days? Weeks?


Well-Known Member
SNF: I know what you mean, It has six cells on it but maybe using only 2 maybe 3 would be best for foliage space and roots in the res.

2 of those would be great for clones .They Look really healthy. you can do some lst but your gonna have mass amount of roots.


Well-Known Member
SNF: I know what you mean, It has six cells on it but maybe using only 2 maybe 3 would be best for foliage space and roots in the res.

2 of those would be great for clones .They Look really healthy. you can do some lst but your gonna have mass amount of roots.
is it cool for me to takes clones 2 weeks into flower? Can I keep them at 12/12 or do I need to switch them back into veg? I realllly want to avoid creating a second grow room...

My girls are drinking water like MAD! They've drank about 5 litres of water a night since I did my res change on Saturday. They've grown a good 4 inches since then as well. :mrgreen:

Think these ladies will smell soon? I see crazzy looking white hairs starting to show up around the stocks where branches shoot out. Lots of Colas popping out too..

I also have a shit load of small "popcorn" bud sites showing up everywhere...should I let these do their thing...or remove them to channel the plants energy towards the larger main colas?

thanks fellas :dunce:


Well-Known Member
you would have to reveg and I'm not sure how that will go.I have seen people do it b4, but it takes quite a bit of time for them to go back into veg. it is possible but you're gonna end up hurting your overall on the plant you took clippings from.