Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

Look at the troll now using women of color to scare people into not realizing that this violence is being done by white nazi's trying to use the protests over the summer as cover.
You are so fkn racist. Those are people in those pics. Why is everything need a racist label for you?
Quit weaponizing the white man you cuck. " we hate you..but we love your taxes" " you couldnt afford college , but you must pay for my gender studies degree and critical race theory degree, where we are taught to hate the white man' - every scum of the left
You are so fkn racist. Those are people in those pics. Why is everything need a racist label for you?
Quit weaponizing the white man you cuck. " we hate you..but we love your taxes" " you couldnt afford college , but you must pay for my gender studies degree and critical race theory degree, where we are taught to hate the white man' - every scum of the left
what language is that?

I mean, I understood every word but taken together it made no sense. It was just a string of comments with no context or purpose. Like a baby who is learning how to talk.
As they descend into madness on Christmas evening, the lonely antisocial troll with the borderline personality implodes...
On subject, with no proof this was a far-right terrorist attack (or motive at all yet)... i wonder who got robbed? The explosion disrupted many things to include 911 line across Middle TN and into neighboring states.
Lmfao..why do you blame trump for nashville? Really sickening behaviour from ppl that dont understand simple logic.
How did trump go to nashville and blow up an rv? You ppl are dumb as fk lmao
You really try hard to point the blame without any evidence. Id be embarrassed as hell to say something so stupid. Yall are reaching hard making asses of yourselves.
Are you salty from youtube aswell?. That would be fun hilarious
Why? They are losing control of the narrative. Orange man is winning. Jan safe. It will shock you what happens

A person was killed in that bombing today. Why would you think that is justified? What purpose or end did your fellow right wing extremists have in mind when the set off that bomb? Are you ok with that? What is it that occurred on Nov 3 that justified murder today? Or was it something else. I don't understand and I don't think anybody else who posts here understands. So, how about explaining it to us?

A person was killed in that bombing today. Why would you think that is justified? What purpose or end did your fellow right wing extremists have in mind when the set off that bomb? Are you ok with that? What is it that occurred on Nov 3 that justified murder today? Or was it something else. I don't understand and I don't think anybody else who posts here understands. So, how about explaining it to us?
Good luck with that. You want a unicorn to serve you gold flakes for breakfast too?
You desperate sap. We taking your party. We rippin up this place. We broke sports, fox, 2 of the largest social media platforms. We dont want to do it. But we have to. The only fix you have to this election is to blow shit up and burn it down. Release your antifas. We ready fatboy, we got millions of americans ready to fight for this country. Your communisms wont win..not now, not ever. Merica bitch
You don't get it. Antifa is not a violent terrorism group that wants mass slaughter. Sports, Fox, Facebook and youtube are all healthy, doing well and you guys have been squeezed into a teensy slice of social media where you can only talk to each other. Your president is about to be turned out of office. You are losing, not winning, as you post seems to indicate. And that's a good thing.

Whenever I've been at demonstrations in Portland, we outnumber your kind 5:1 and I've seen in the faces of your Proud Boys that they really don't like being outnumbered like that. They have tacit support from the Police but I don't know if they can depend on that for much longer. In any case, I don't think that there are all that many fascists on the police forces to cause them to revolt outright against civil authorities. We'll see on that.

So, explain, please. What is so wrong that you want a civil war in which many tens of millions of people would die. They wouldn't be killed outright but the breakdown in supply chains, medical delivery and food delivery could do that. What is so bad to make that an acceptable price to pay.
You don't get it. Antifa is not a violent terrorism group that wants mass slaughter. Sports, Fox, Facebook and youtube are all healthy, doing well and you guys have been squeezed into a teensy slice of social media where you can only talk to each other. Your president is about to be turned out of office. You are losing, not winning, as you post seems to indicate. And that's a good thing.

Whenever I've been at demonstrations in Portland, we outnumber your kind 5:1 and I've seen in the faces of your Proud Boys that they really don't like being outnumbered like that. They have tacit support from the Police but I don't know if they can depend on that for much longer. In any case, I don't think that there are all that many fascists on the police forces to cause them to revolt outright against civil authorities. We'll see on that.

So, explain, please. What is so wrong that you want a civil war in which many tens of millions of people would die. They wouldn't be killed outright but the breakdown in supply chains, medical delivery and food delivery could do that. What is so bad to make that an acceptable price to pay.
Because he’s getting paid $0.38 usd per. Salty doesn’t understand what Salty is salty about.
Good luck with that. You want a unicorn to serve you gold flakes for breakfast too?
I figured I'd give him the chance to explain. didn't cost me anything to ask. I even followed it up with another request for an explanation.

His speech is designed to trigger negative responses and I won't let him guide me. So, I went all reasonable on him.
You don't get it. Antifa is not a violent terrorism group that wants mass slaughter. Sports, Fox, Facebook and youtube are all healthy, doing well and you guys have been squeezed into a teensy slice of social media where you can only talk to each other. Your president is about to be turned out of office. You are losing, not winning, as you post seems to indicate. And that's a good thing.

Whenever I've been at demonstrations in Portland, we outnumber your kind 5:1 and I've seen in the faces of your Proud Boys that they really don't like being outnumbered like that. They have tacit support from the Police but I don't know if they can depend on that for much longer. In any case, I don't think that there are all that many fascists on the police forces to cause them to revolt outright against civil authorities. We'll see on that.

So, explain, please. What is so wrong that you want a civil war in which many tens of millions of people would die. They wouldn't be killed outright but the breakdown in supply chains, medical delivery and food delivery could do that. What is so bad to make that an acceptable price to pay.
corrupt/fascist tomato/tomato
I figured I'd give him the chance to explain. didn't cost me anything to ask. I even followed it up with another request for an explanation.

His speech is designed to trigger negative responses and I won't let him guide me. So, I went all reasonable on him.
Oh I know you did. Had I not already taken my meds I would’ve circled, smelling blood.
You’re a good man, I hope your family had a terrific Christmas Day.