Nascar 2008


Well-Known Member
kyle won. pretty much led the whole race. good race. kyle just got stuck in the infield grass trying to do a burnout. hahhahahahahahhaha


Well-Known Member
jeff burton just hit a bird at 200 MPH. fuckin' thing exploded. they showed it in slow motin. looked like something thru a full bottle of sode out there. crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
is the nescar track next to the disney world resort golf course.... when i was there i heard them zoom by.... excellent ;)


Well-Known Member
nascar......who wants to watch cars take 2000 left turns for 4 hours?
at 200 MPH, while passing thru a corner at 3 wide. yeah, you do it all day don't you? lol :mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:

football - lets jump on each other tell we sweat like pigs.

basketball - see football but take off half your clothes.

golf - nap time.

tennis - ladies anyone?
